Chapter 7.

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Scarlett's dress side/above.

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Scarlett's POV.

I stood up as fast as I could and tried not to look embarrassed. He was still laughing and my mother joined him. Is she on my side or his? I thought as I made my way to the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him sternly.

"I came here to give you a ride to school." He replied, still trying to control his laughter.

"But, I don't need a ride, it's only 15 minutes walk from here," I argued.

"It's not an option Jensen. You HAVE TO COME WITH ME." He smirked.

Taking the hint, I returned the smirk.

"FINE! Give me some time," I replied.

I went upstairs and took a shower and decided to wash my hair. After wrapping myself in the towel, I opened my closet and rummaged around the outfits. After about ten minutes, I decided to wear an oversized peach hoodie and black sweatpants. Drying my hair, I combed them into a messy bun. I smiled in the mirror before going downstairs.

Mom and Trevor were sitting on the sofa and mom was talking about one of her favorite things: My embarrassing moments. I rolled my eyes and called out to Trevor.

"I'm ready! Can we leave now?"

"Sure thing princess." He said, holding the door open for me.

"See you later ma!" I said, hugging her.

Trevor opened the car door for me and I genuinely smiled at him. "Thanks." He also smiled back and sat in the car. As he ignited the car, I put the seatbelt and adjusted my seat. While I was trying to be comfortable I felt Trevor's eyes on me.

"Got a problem, Lockhart?" I questioned him.

"You have a habit of making yourself at home you do know that right?" He smiled. Wow, he was smiling a lot today.

"I know! It's a flaw I was born with." I fired back.

"It looks cute on you. Especially with the outfit that you are wearing right now." He smiled, again. Did I mention he had small dimples on his left cheek when he genuinely smiled? If I didn't well now I did. 

I felt my cheeks turning red. I never blushed! Something is wrong with me! Make it stop!

"Flirty much?" I rudely replied. He didn't say anything. Okay, now I felt bad.

"I'm sorry. No guy has ever complimented me before except for Joseph. Thanks, this is my go-to outfit." I softly said.

"Who is Joseph?" He curiously asked.

"Joseph is a friend...Hey! we missed school. Where are you taking me! Are you gonna kill me?" I shouted as he took a left turn instead of a right turn.

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