New Home, Not So Sweet

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Chapter: One

Lydia trudged her way through the airport, she had just gotten off a very long plane ride and the first thing she wanted to do was find a bed and crash for hours.

But first she had to grab her luggages from baggage claim.

After minutes of standing around she finally saw her galaxy cotton candy luggages and grabbed then from the conveyor belt and pulled up the handles. She realized she was the last person in her family to have grabbed their things so she flocked to the group and they made their exit out of the very crowded LAX airport.

It was almost midnight when they climbed into the rented car that they have in order to get to the new place. Lydia was in the back of the car with earphones in while Lyla who was fast asleep.

She was listening to her playlist that keeps her calmed down, cause her anxiety was in play as her parents drove through the night on their way to the new house that Lydia would have to call her home.

After about 2 hours of driving and her phone dying her parents pulled into a driveway and a Burgundy Red 2 story house that looks like it could be homely but she refuses to see it that way.

After minutes of removing everything from the car she began to stubbornly settle into the new house, she scanned the rooms like the kitchen, the dining table near it and then she turned to the next room to see a livingroom with a table infront of the couch and a tv on a stand. There was also a bathroom near the kitchen.

She then walked up the stairs dragging her luggages up the stairs, her mom showed he where her room would be and she was given a peck on the cheek before the bedroom door shut and she was left alone in her new space.

The room was bland, hadn't been decorated yet. It probably wouldn't be for a few days while they settle in. She dropped her luggage and pulled her backpack off her shoulders.

She opened it and pulled out her phone charger, she found an outlet behind the nightstand near the bed and she plugged up her phone before sitting on the bed. She looked around the area where she was encased in a 4 walled room with bland wallpaper that she really just wanted to tear off.

She really needed her phone to charge, she couldn't sleep without music, she can't sleep without noise.

She cant sleep in the silence.

She sighed in instant relief when her phone screen lit up waiting for her to type in her password, she quickly typed it in before getting to the spotify app and turning up her volume before hitting shuffle on her playlist.

It was named Quiet The Voices.

She shook her head and let the orgin of the name pass and let out a breath as Migraine by Twenty One Pilots blasted through her phone speaker. She'd have to set up her Bluetooth projector at a time where she's not extremely sleep deprived.

She quickly pulled the blankets back on the bed and climbed underneath them. She leaned over the bed and pulled out something very close to her heart.

Her teddy bear, she can't sleep without it.

She got comfortable under the blankets and held the teddy bear close to her chest as her knees pulled up against it. She drowned out her thoughts in the music and squeezed her eyes shut.

After about 10 minutes of creating scenarios in her head she felf herself slowly sinking into a long awaited and much needed slumber.

Short but sweet, the chapters will get longer I promise!!

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