Chick Flicks and Clyde

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Your P.o.v.

I look up to see Shaun with the bag. Barbara looks at him happily. "Pickle!"

"Hello Mum." Shaun looks around. Everyone but David looks shocked but delighted to see him. David looks pissed that he's back. All I can think about is what happened earlier, so I just put my head back down. However, I miss the sullen look that Shaun gives me and the death glare that Ed gives Shaun. "Everything okay?"

He pops a Hog Lump into his mouth. "Any sign of John and Bernie?" Di shakes her head. "We haven't seen them."

"Did you check upstairs?" Shaun goes to the back corridor and tries to open a door. "I think it's locked." Di answers.

"What's the phone situation?"

"Dead. Same as the power."

"And probably as we are going to be." I mumble under my breathe.

I look up to see Shaun and Liz talking to each other when David walks over to them. They talk in hushed tones, but it's not like I care. Di sees me looking at them and sits beside me.

"You okay?" I shake my head. She hugs me. "Oh (Y/n), you know he was just stressed right?"

I look at her. "Are you sure?" I ask her tearfully. "How do you know that he hasn't wanted to do that for a while? I just don't know what to do." I look over to see Ed talking to Shaun.

"You know he's not like that. Not to you." I laugh humorlessly. "It's true. He feels bad about what he said. I can tell." She looks over. "Well, I'll leave you to it."

I shake my head. "He's coming over here, isn't he?" She pats my shoulder and walks off. I sigh and look at the wall.

"Hey," I hear Shaun say right in front of me. I don't respond, so he decides to sit beside me. "Hey. Can you look at me?"

I still don't respond to him. He sighs. "Look, I'm sorry about what I said. It's like you said, we all do stupid shit sometimes. I guess that was my turn. You've been there for me, even when we are at each other's throats." He looks down.

"Well, maybe if you weren't such a little shit all the time, maybe I wouldn't be at your throat." I smirk as I tell him that. His mouth drops and gives me a look of fake hurt. "Me? I'm not the little shit." He leans closer and whispers, "I think we both know that's David."

I burst out laughing and he joins in. After I stop laughing, I look at him. "Are you just saying that to be on their good side?" I nod toward the others. "Or are you wanting to be on good terms with me?"

"I want to be on good terms with you and them. Well, everyone but David." I shake my head. "But are we good?"

I look at him. He has a hopeful expression on his face. "Well, I don't know. I have to see what Big Al says." He chuckles and gets up. "Alright, remember (Y/n). No chick flick moments." I tell myself and follow him to the others.

"Everything alright?" Liz asks. I nod and she looks at Shaun. "So, what's the plan then?"

-Time Skip eating some Hog Lumps-

"Anybody want a peanut?" Shaun asks. Everyone else shakes their heads no, but I grab one. Shaun gives me a smile. "How about another drink?" No one said anything. Shaun looks at Ed. "Ed, why don't you do your 'Clyde'?"

Ed shakes his head. "Have you ever seen 'Every Which Way But Loose'? Ed does the most amazing impression." Shaun explains.

"No, it's not." Ed protests. I shake my head. "Yes, you do. It used to make me laugh all the time."


"But it's brilliant." Shaun tells him. Everyone tells him to do it. Ed has enough. "I'm not a performing monkey."

As soon as he said that the street lights outside start to turn on. Shaun looks at the window. "The power's on."

David shakes his head. "It's not, I've already tried it."

"But the grid isn't out." I tell him. Everyone looks at me. "It's the fuses."

Shaun nods. "Yeah, I'll just turn them on."

"What about the lights?" Liz asks.

"Yes, we don't want to advertise our whereabouts more than we already have." David hisses.

I shake my head and look at him. "Like you smashing the window didn't do that at all." I say sarcastically. David just glares at me.

"The lights operate on a separate circuit; I'll just flip the main breakers so we can get the telly on." David starts to say something, but Shaun says, "It's quite simple David." Shaun looks at me and gives me a confident smile and a smile back.

Shaun walks to the back when Ed walks to me. "So, are you guys good?" I nod my head. "Now, can you get together with him now?" I look at him when I hear Liz answer Shaun's question.

"Really? You still want me to be with him? Why does everyone seem to want us together? Even Philip wanted it." Ed's eyes widen. "I just don't want to be heartbroken when he goes back to Liz."

Ed shakes his head. "You are so daft sometimes."

I laugh. "Says the one who's the daftest of us all."

He looks at me. "Is that even a word?" I shrug my shoulders. "Anyway, do you have a quid?" I shake my head and goes to Liz and asks the question again.

She takes a quid out and gives to Ed. I walk up to Liz, and she smiles. I smile back and I look to see Shaun coming back. He looks like he's guilty of something.

"What is it?" I ask him.

He looks at the door and back at us. "We got a bit of a problem." My eyes widen.

"What do you mean?" Liz asks.

I look at Shaun. "They followed you?" He nods and looks down. Liz looks frightened. "I thought you said you gave them the slip?" Liz asks.


"Do they know we're in here?" I ask him.

"I don't know."

"Well, we'll just have to be extra quiet then, won't we?" Liz says when her face goes pale. I look behind Shaun where she is looking, and I feel the colour leave my face. "Shit." I murmur.

"What?" Shaun asks us. Then he hears the game Ed is about to play. He turns around to see Ed is going to press a button.

"Ed, no!" All three of us yell, but it's too late. Ed starts the game and plays. We run to the machine. "Turn it off!" Shaun and Liz shout as I shout, "Turn the damn thing off!"

Shaun dives and unplugs the game. We look at the window and see the zombies starting to surround the pub. I feel a presence beside me, thinking it was Shaun or Ed, But then I hear a moan.

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