Philip and the Jag

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Your P.o.v

All of us are standing right at the flat door. Liz, David, and Di look like they are about to wet themselves. I shake my head and pull out my (F/w). I look at it and smile. David looks at me like I'm nuts.

"What?" I snap at him.

"Why are you like this? Surely you remember when you first lost it?"

"Oh, I remember all right." I look at him. "It was when I heard your voice for the first time." I smirk and look back at the door. David's mouth opens and closes, probably to say something back, but doesn't. Shaun looks at all of us.


"We're as ready as we'll ever be." Di responds.

He opens the door and we run out. As we get closer to some of them, I slice them down as fast as I can. Liz and Di whack some, and David looks like he is doing nothing. I look over and see Shaun beat the shit out of one with his cricket bat.

Not bad. A little bloodthirsty, but who am I to judge?

Liz looks around. "Where's the car?"

Next thing I know, I hear car honks and a nice, black Jag rolls up, hitting some of the undead. Ed pops out of the driver's side door. "Wassup, Bitches?" (I know it's not the right phrase, but I can live without writing the actual line.) We look at each other and run to the car.

We get to the car and get in. Liz is in the passenger seat beside Shaun's mum, Barbara, Di is sitting on David's lap, and for some reason, I'm sitting on Shaun's lap.

"Apologies for the cramped conditions." He looks at Di. "Di, you okay sitting on David's lap?" She nods. He looks over on the other side of him where his father, I mean 'step-father' is sitting. "Philip, hang in there." He looks to the front. "Ed, fast as you can, okay? And Mum, this is Liz. Liz, Mum."

As they say hello to each other, Shaun looks at me. "You okay?" I look at him after Ed speeds it out of there.

I nod. "Yeah, but I do have one question." He tilts his head. "Why am I the one sitting on your lap? Shouldn't it be Liz?"

He chuckles but doesn't say anything. I look over at Di and she starts wiggling her eyebrows. I shake my head.

-Time Skip brought to you by Philip's Jag-

After a while of silence, Philip speaks up.


"I know, I know. Be careful, will you Ed?" Shaun asks Ed.

Di looks at Philip. "Is your dad alright?"

Shaun looks at her. "He's not my dad."

"But he's bleeding." I look over and see that he is, so I start to apply some pressure to his wound. Shaun looks at me and smiles gracefully.

"I know. Ed, will you please be careful?"

"I thought you wanted to get there fast." I shake my head. He hits a zombie and continues to drive.

"I want to get there in one piece. And why are you going this way?" Shaun tells him.

"Chill out. It's a short cut."

"But Ed, that way leads straight to the Winchester." I tell him.

"Shaun-" Philip tries again.

"I know. Liz?" Liz pops out the cassette tape.

David starts to talk. "I still don't actually understand why we are going to the Winchester."

"It's a pub, it's safe, it's secure-" Shaun starts to list off.

"They know us there." Ed adds in.

"But what makes it so secure?" Liz asks.

"It's got heavy doors. It's got dead bolts. You've been to a lock in." Shaun says.

"Several," Liz murmurs.

"And there's a rifle above the bar." Ed says. I sigh and shake my head.

"I would think that's deactivated." David responds. "Surely," Di adds.

"It's not. I'm telling you, John's connected. Big Al says so." Ed snaps at them.

"Yeah, well Big Al also says dogs can't look up." I tell him.

"They can't." He responds.

"Can't they?" Di asks.

"No, they can't."

"Of course, they can-" Shaun and I reply.

"Are you sure?" Di asks him.

"Look, the pub's the right place to go. Everything's gonna be fine. Promise." Liz, Di and David look at Shaun.

"Shaun-" Philip says once more.

"I turned it off, alright?"

"It's not easy." Shaun and I look at Philip. "Being a father, Shaun. It's not easy."

"What?" Shaun is taken aback.

"You were twelve when I met you, you'd already grown up so much." Phillip says. My eyes start to tear up a bit.

"Yeah... well, I wasn't the easiest person to live with." Shaun tells him. I roll my eyes and nudge him with my elbow.

"I just wanted you to be strong, not give up because you lost your dad."

"Philip, you don't have to explain..." Shaun starts to tell him, but Philip interrupts him. "I do. I've always loved you Shaun, always thought you had it in you to do well. You just need motivation. Somebody to look up to. I thought it could be me."

Shaun nods his head, and I sit there with tears in my eyes and smiling softly. Philip looks at me, and my smile disappears. "I know you were there for Shaun the majority of his life." I nod. "Thank you for that. And you know what?" He picks his head up a little so he can whisper in my ear. "I always thought you and Shaun would be great together." My eyes widen as he leans back. He looks back at Shaun.

"Take care of your Mum, there's a good boy." And with that, Philip dies. Shaun sits there in shock as I close Philip's eyes.

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