Smashing Windows and Hearts

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Your P.o.v.

Slowly, we make our way to the Winchester doing our impressions. As we make our way to the front of the pub, I see the zombies turn around and follow us. I panic on the inside, but I keep a straight face.

I can't let these things see my fear. It'll fuck things up.

We finally get to the door and Shaun kneels at the letter box while the rest of us surround him.

"John, Bernie, are you there?" Shaun asks through the slot. "John! John! Bernie!" Shaun kinda yells.

I look around and see that more zombies are looking our way. "I would hurry up if I were you, Shaun." I tell him.

"It's Shaun and Ed. We come in all the time." Shaun explains through the hole.

"It's not working." David whispers.

"We do the quiz." Shaun continues. "They can hear you!" David exclaims.

"Shut the hell up, David." I whisper-shout at him. "They can hear you too." David just rolls his eyes.

"I can't see them." Shaun tells us. I look around and see more zombies focusing on us.

"Shaun, we have to get inside." Liz proclaims. I nod in agreement.

"Break the window." David suggests.

"Are you insane?" I exclaim as Shaun says, "Don't be stupid. We'll be totally exposed."

"We are totally exposed. Break the window." David demands.

"Is there another way in?" Liz asks.

I nod. "Yeah, there's a-" I'm interrupted by a ring tone. I look over at Ed, who answers the phone.

Really, we're about eating by fucking rotten corpses and he NEEDS to answer his fucking phone?

I shake my head and sigh. I hear Di whimper, so I look up. I see the zombies getting closer. I gulp and turn my head when I hear a clatter, which happened to be Shaun throwing away Ed's phone.

"What are you doing?" Ed asks him.

"What am I doing? What are you doing, you stupid moron?" Shaun yells at him. I twinge with a bit of anger flowing through me. Liz looks over at me with worry in her eyes.

"Fuck off." Ed tells him angrily.

"No, you fuck off. Fuck-fucking-off." Shaun shouts at him, hitting Ed hard every single time he yells 'fuck.'

I step in front of Shaun. "Okay, I get he can be annoying at times, but that doesn't mean you can abuse him any way you want! We all do stupid shit, so don't blame Ed for having one, even if the timing was wrong." I yell at Shaun.

"Guys-" Liz tries.

"Oh, shut the fuck up (Y/n)." I take a step back. He looks at Ed. "I've spent a lifetime sticking my neck out for you, you idiot, and all you ever do is fuck things up. Fuck things up and make me look stupid." He turns to me. "And you. You're no better. You never know when to shut up and you always voice your opinions. Well, guess what? Your opinions don't matter, and neither do you. You both make me look stupid. Well, I'm not going to let you do that. Not today." Shaun exclaims, getting louder. I fully back into Ed with tears in my eyes.

"Shaun-" Liz gets Shaun attention. I look over to see every zombie staring at us. "You were saying about another way in?" Liz asks.

"Uh.... yeah, there's a...." Shaun starts.

Next thing I know, David picks up a trash bin and throws through the window. "Get inside!" David exclaims.

"No. They'll get inside." Shaun tells him.

"What?" David breathes out.

"They'll follow us. Keep up the act. I'm going to do something." Shaun tells us.

"What do you mean, 'do something'?" Liz asks him. I look down to keep my tears to myself, not knowing that Di and Ed noticed them, and Di gives Shaun a death glare.

I zone out everything that's going on around me. Was it true what he said? Am I really that much of a bother? Do I really not matter to anyone? I'm shaken out of my thoughts by Ed putting his arms around me.

"Hey, we're going inside now." I nod my head and follow the others.

-Time Skip, running from the zombies-

3rd Person's P.o.v.

After a while, everyone get somewhat comfortable in the darkened pub. Ed looks over at (Y/n), who hasn't said a word since Shaun's outburst.

"Will Shaun be long?" Barbara asks. Liz shakes her head to answer her question.

"It's been a good twenty minutes since he went." David informs the group.

"Seventeen" Ed corrects him.

Liz looks at (Y/n). "Is she alright?" She asks.

"No," Ed answers. He looks at his sister again. "He hasn't yelled at her like that before. That was a new one." Ed clenches his fist.

"I don't blame him for calling her out on that. She got what she deserves." David spits out.

Ed jumps at him, and Liz and Di try to hold him back. "She doesn't deserve to be called that. She hasn't done shit to anyone."

"Yeah, you think he wouldn't do that since he-" Di starts but looks at Liz.

"I know his feelings towards her Di. He told me earlier." Liz tells Di. "I wasn't expecting him to go at her like that either."

"Well, he said it and there is no taking it back." (Y/n) says, not hearing that first part. She looks at them with teary eyes. "I don't blame him for saying I'm nothing."

Your P.o.v.

I look back down and zone back out. I didn't realize I was such a burden to him. If he would've said something, I would've left him alone. I guess nobody really knows how much of a burden I can be until the moment they snap.

I fiddle with my fingers, thinking of what I could've done to not be such a bitch to him when I hear the sound of bags flying. I would've ignored it, but the last bag was caught.

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