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[week or so later]

her: you sent me drunk texts last night care to explain?

him: well..

her: mhmm..

him: i love you so much.

her: i am trying to be mad here cant you see?

him: it was just for fun, beautiful.

her: dont trick me with your usage of words.

him: i love you so much.

her: what happened there?

him: nothing, don't give me that look, fine okay, well a girl slapped me for some reason.

her: why would she do that?

him: i dont remember honestly.

her: oh.

him: i am sorry.

her: its alright.

him: i am going out with my sister to the mall, talk to you later, take care and stay safe.

her: you too, mr fooda.

[later that day]

him: hi hi my super sexy bubbles

her: hello viking

him: you make me say weird names just for you

her: its cute, like you.

him: you are cuter, how are you?

her: i am good now, how bout you?

him: i need to tell you something but don't be mad.

her: what is it?

him: i cant tell you, you haven't been good in a while, never mind.

her: you are killing me like this, tell me.

him: but i cant

her: why?

him: i dont know how you'd feel knowing a girl did this thing to me at the mall.

her: what thing?

him: i cant say anything more, i am sorry.

her: oh, ok.

him: i am sorry

her: you arent, its not your fault. its okay.

him: yeah.

her: then its all good, nothing to worry about, its fine, just next time like, umm.. i dont know what to say. be careful?

him: yeah i understand.

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