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him: i cant sleep

her: whats wrong?

him: i need to tell you something

her: whats wrong? you look sick

him: aha haha, yeah

her: you're worrying me, tell me whats wrong.

him: you see..

her: you look paler, do you want water?

him: no just listen to me.

her: you literary look even more sick, you're sweating, nick whats going on?

him: i like you.

her: .....

him: i dont expect you to like me back i just needed to say that rosie, i really really like you. i know i might not be like you know, ah fudge i am sweating like crazy but-

her: i like you too.

him: y-you do? this feels weird.

her: i do

him: umm.. well you see. ah. you know like. this like. ah-

her: go on

him: ah. umm..whats your last name?

her: Harriet, why?

him: will you be mine, rose Harriet?

{ n/a: omfg i feel like dying.}

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