Coming to Visit

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Nikolai's POV

These past 3 months have been hell. Lucy won't stop throwing up. She always makes me hold her hair up. The worst part is her cravings. Don't get me started, I went all over the kingdom of Fiore just to find a triple chocolate fruity cake with cookie crumbles on the sides- she complained for hours because she wanted it. So when I finally got back with it she didn't want it anymore. If this is one of the major defaults to a girl being pregnant, then Nicki better not get pregnant ever. Nicki would probably be a pain in the ass if that ever happened.

As for Natsu, he and whoever else he is with is still on that assassin job. Turns out that the job was a lot more complicated then just tracking down the assassins. Once they found them, a epic battle took place. The team had to retreat due to the amount of injuries they had taken. But that was a month ago, now the job changed. The king wants the leader of the group of assassins is called Smoking Death. Once in a while I watch them, just to get away from Lucy's emotional ass. Most likely their job will be continuing for a while.

Both Lucy and I are walking to the guild, her belly is starting to show or it might be that she is just getting fat. I wouldn't dare say she is getting fat in front of her. For a dragon female, when they are pregnant is when they are the most scary. If I said that she would probably try to break my arm or cut off my man hood. A female dragons emotions are very fragile at this state.

"Hey Nikolai," Lucy says.

I returned from my thoughts, "what is it?" Please don't tell me you have to throw up again.

I felt two arms wrap around my torso. I looked down and she was hugging me. "W-why are you hugging me?" I questioned, getting a little red in the cheeks.

"Thank you, for everything." She said with a smile. I looked up trying to ignore the fact that her breasts were pressing against me.

"No worries," I said quickly. "Can you get off of me now?"

She let go. We were about a block away from the guild when I smelled something familiar, another dragon - no three dragons. It must be Fabian with two others. I started to tense up. I looked over at Lucy, who picked up on the scent as well.

"I know those smells," she leaped with joy. She started running towards the guild. I ran after her.

She opened the doors, I followed closely behind, once she went into the guild I stayed outside with the door cracked open, those smells were not familiar to me. Better play it safe.

Lucy's POV

While me and Nikolai were walking to the guild I smelled something that was familiar,"i know those smells." I started running to the guild. When I opened the doors, three familiar faces stood in the center of the guild. "Mom, guys!" I shouted. Running toward them. Nighteye, Fury and my mother were here.

I ran to them, giving them a big hug. "Long time no see, princess." Fury said.

"Yeah how long has it been, since your wedding right?" Nighteye said. They both looked down.

"Is it me or are you getting fa-" Nighteye quickly put his hands over Fury's mouth. He let go, slapping him over the head.

"Ouch what was that for," Fury complained, rubbing his throbbing head.

"For one your not supposed to say that to a lady. Two, you didn't sense that when she walked in." Nighteye said.

"Sensed what?" Fury said.

I giggled, "I'm pregnant, 3 months at that."

Both of their faces lit up with excitement,"THERES GOING TO BE A NEW PRINCE." They shouted in unison.

I giggled," hey I smelled my mother, is she here?" She is the only one I really wanted to see.

They look up. "She is over there with the old man," Fury points in their direction.

I look over and see my mother finishing up the conversation. She starts walking over to me, I smile. "Hey mom." She pulls me into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much. Unfortunately Igneel couldn't come, he stayed behind to look over the realm."

"Come on, I want to show you the new apartment we got." I said. We walked out of the guild back to the apartment.

"Wow princess, a huge improvement from the last one." Fury said.

"Make yourselves at home," I said going into the kitchen to get the tea.

I went back to the front room where everyone is. My mother was sitting down with Fury and Nighteye on each side of her.

"Lucy sit down for a minute." My mother said in a flat tone. I did just that.

"What's going on?" I asked, confused. They all looked so serious. Only a moment ago they looked happy.

"Where is Natsu?" Nighteye said.

"He has been on a job for three months, what is this about?" I started getting a little nervous.

My mother sighed,"she can pass this along to him." She looked up at Nighteye and Fury, Fury nodded

"Lucy, you and your family are in danger." Fury said.

"W-what?" That was all I could get out of my mouth.

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