First Step

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Lucy's POV

It has been a week since Fury's funeral and it has been hard on everyone. Cana has been drinking more than her usual. According to everyone in the guild, they had formed some sort of secret relationship. With the amount of time they spent together, who wouldn't. Every time Nighteye tagged along with Gajeel and Lily for a job - Fury and Cana would always be together, they were inseparable. Sometimes, he would come home at different times of the night and on other occasions, he wouldn't come home at all. I only imagined where he would be or what he was doing. He seemed to make her happy. He even encouraged her to stop drinking - she hit him over the head with a barrel of booze, but the next day she eased up on it. Now all she seems to do is sit alone and drink her sorrows away. At one point I thought I saw a tear falling down her cheek, when Nighteye asked her if she was ok. When anyone tries to ask her about it, she snaps and leaves. I really want to talk to her, but she hasn't been going to the guild.

Natsu has been out of it too, lately. If the normal person were to take a look at him, they would think nothing is wrong with him. In reality he blames himself for Fury's death, in doesn't take an idiot to figure it out. He considered Nighteye and him his brothers. He lies awake at night just thinking about how he could have avoided that outcome. However, these last couple of days he seems to be his normal stupid self.

The person who is really affected by Fury's death is Nighteye. I can hear him weep at night, when Phoenix wakes up. He takes protecting Phoenix, very seriously. He says all he can do is honor his deceased brothers final wish. A few days ago, he got his guild mark on his left peck. The day after, he went out on a job with Gajeel, Lily and Levy. Master says we should just give him time to heal. I think it will take him a while to get over it.

Its the morning and I'm laying in bed, I'm way too tired to get up. So I let Natsu handle Phoenix. He is a week old and I can already tell he is going to be a handful. I haven't found time to mention Eon or my mom. I know I should but I don't know when a good time will be.

Natsu's POV

I wake up to the sound of a babies screams. I look over to see Lucy's sleeping face. I didn't want to wake her, so I got up and went to grab Phoenix. I walk over and grab him, leaving the bedroom. Before I could get out of the door, I smelled something foul. I look down and inch my nose closer, I quickly withdrew, not even two hours since he woke up last and he craps himself. I tired to change him, but I don't think I was doing it right. I wasn't sure where to place his butt or how anyone even works a diaper, these things are a lot harder than anyone thinks. While I struggle, I hear a faint giggle in the background, I turn to see Lucy leaning on the door with an over size shirt on.

She walks towards me, "That's not how you do it." She extends put her hand. "Let me do it." She takes over where I left off. "Wow Natsu, you are really bad at this." She finishes changing him and takes him to feed him - she makes it look so easy. I sit on couch causally staring at her, taking my life in. I wouldn't trade anything I have now, for the world.

She catches me staring at her. "What are you looking at?" A light blush brushes her cheeks.

I smile, "I'm looking at my beautiful family." I see her smile, continuing feeding Baby Phoenix. I rise and go over to her. Grabbing her waist, I look deep into those brown eyes I love so much. I lean in giving her a soft and passionate kiss. I pull away, looking down at the baby, giving him a gental kiss on his forehead. He was probably on his second bottle just from when I woke up.

"He has your appetite, that's for sure." She giggles, slowly swaying the calm baby.

"Well he is going to have to eat, if he wants to be a strong dragon, like myself." I say, flexing both arms in and upward position. "Every son is meant to surpass his father, and I can already tell that won't take long at all."

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