The Unexpected Surprise p.II

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Natsu's POV

I got out of the shower. The water slid down my torso, God it feels good to be home, a well deserved shower was all I needed. Lucy told me she would meet me at the guild, I kinda feel guilty in a sense. I missed almost all of Lucy's pregnancy, for a man that is the worst feeling in the world, I could have seen her getting fatter and fatter day by day, probably tease her about it then get kicked. I was also on a job for the most part, but it still sucked. There was not a day that would go by when I wasn't thinking about Lucy or the baby.

I wrapped the towel around my waist, walking out to the rest of the house. No one was there except me, felt odd. I hurried and got into my normal attire. I wanted to see Lucy, I missed her like crazy. I want today just to be about us, no one else. I rushed out of the door, hurried towards the guild, I wanna see my babies. I rushed to the guild, kicking down the doors, maybe breaking one off the hindges, I don't know don't really care. That's odd, Lucy's scent isn't here. I looked around to see if it was just my nose playing tricks on me, no it wasn't.

I walked over to Mira, hoping she seen Lucy. I don't want to jump to conclusions, however, I remember Lucy saying 'I will meet you at the guild'. Please, God, let someone have seen her.

"Hey Natsu," Mira smiles, cleaning off some cups. "I see your back from your job."

"Yeah I am," still in search of Lucy, not really paying much attention to what Mira was saying. "Hey, quick question, has Lucy came into the guild at all today?"

She puts her finger to the bottom of her chin, pondering if she did see her today. "Now that you mention it, she is late for her shift, she isn't at the house?" Oh great. 

I put my head in my hands, take in a deep breathe, raising my head I turn to the door. "Hey Natsu where's Lucy? I wanna see her baby bump." I stop in my tracks, hesitant to turn around but doing it anyway, I see Gray and Erza heading in my direction. Erza pulling out the baby armor, where did she even get that?

"That what I'm trying to figure out." I let out a sigh. 

"Do you want us to help you find her?" Gray suggests

"No, I'm pretty sure she took a detour to the library. I will bring her here later." I waved, rushing out the door. Unaware Happy was following me.


"Dammit Happy you scared me. What are you doing here anyway?"

"I wanna help find Lucy, I know she doesn't just randomly go off on her own unless you make her mad with your farts or by the things that comes out of your mouth sometimes." He snickers.

"HAPPY, YOUR NOT HELPING THE SITUATION." I suddenly got a whiff of her, I stopped in my tracks. "Happy, fly around and see if you see Lucy anywhere in the area, I know she's close."

"Aye Sir." He starts flying.

I turn my attention towards the bridge. I start walking over to it. I smell something else that familiar, Nikolai? I wondered why I smelled him, he seemed so close, almost too close. I spun around, face to face with him, the man that almost looks identical to Fabian.

"Wow Natsu tense much? Are you not fully back from your job?" He starts chuckling. "I know you where dealing with assassins but still loosen up a bit yeah." He pats my shoulder. I glare at him.

"Where's Lucy?" I ask firmly.

"How should I know, I haven't seen her since this morning, before you got there." I'm still not convinced, something dawns on me, how did he know I was on a job that had to do with assassins? Unless Lucy told him, but I doubt it.

"How did you know I was on a job that dealt with assassins?" I took a broader stance. 

He looks at me, smiling almost, "Lucy mentioned something along those lines."

He puts his hands on both of my shoulders, looking me dead in the eye. "Sleep!" I feel my body giving away under me, I can no longer stand, the feeling of being tired flooded my body, I tried to fight it. "What the fuck did you do to me?!" I growl.

He laughed, frightening. Something I only expected Satan's laugh to resemble. He looked down at me to see me trying to fight whatever kind of sleep spell that he put on me. He slips bracelets similar to the ones that were on Lucy when we found her at the castle in the Dragon Realm. I could feel my power seizing, like I was unable to use it, it was on hold. "Aww look at you, trying to fight sleep, you look like you need a good nights rest, let me help you out." I see him bringing his foot back, making contact with my face, the last thing I remember seeing before everything went black was him, and another man that looked like him, both smiling to themselves.

Happy's POV

I come back to see Natsu lying on the floor, two men that look like they could be twins are standing above him, one with the Fairy Tail insignia on his right bicep, Nikolai? I hide behind one of the tall buildings observing them. Nikolai is a dangerous one, he knocked Jet out cold by simply saying something. I can hear them saying something.

"Now you have what you want, I have what I want. I'm taking him back to Nikki's cave, I assume you have Lucy at the Castle?" Nikolai says to the other one.

He just smiles, sending chills down my spin. "Yes, do you know how hard it was to kill every castle guard that was there, her mother don't even get me started on her." What did he do to Lucy's mother? Nikaoli put his hand on the others shoulder, "Well Fabian, looks like we will celebrate when this is all over. For now I have to get him to the cave and chain him up before he wakes up. Does Lucy even remember who he is" gesturing to Natsu, kicking him a bit. OH MY GOD, FABIAN IS ALIVE!

"We will know when she wakes up, according to Nikki, she should think I'm her husband and the one that knocked her up, which isn't a bad thing. Have you seen her boobs?" Nikolai chuckles. "Hurry and get him outta here before someone sees you." Fabain left engulfed in flames. Nikolai looks at Natsu, touching him. A roar of Purple and Black flames covered them, in a moment they are gone.

I hurried to the guild, faster than light. Panting heavily, I pushed the doors open screaming to the top of my Lungs, "THEY HAVE NATSU AND LUCY!"


Hey guys, so the story is starting to pick up. Holy shit, this got me excited. Fabian finally shows his face. A question for everyone, what do you think Fabian did with Lucy's mother? Think about it. It will show up again later in the story. Enjoy your spring break, I know I am. Also, if you have any questions fill free to ask. Comment, vote, and tell others. Thank you to everyone that reads, you all are awesome, see you in the next chapter ;)

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