The Unexpected Surprise

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Lucy's POV

Months have passed and I'm now 8 months pregnant. Nikolai keeps thinking I'm 7 months, he really doesn't pay attention much. Lately he has been very distant, gone for most of the day. Natsu has missed the majority of the pregnancy, quite frankly I am worried. He has been gone for 8 months. I haven't hear an update on their job, I really hope everything is ok.

I wake up to the crisp morning air hitting my face, must have left the window open. Walking over to the window, I see the glass partially melted. Confused, I try and turn around. My vision is suddenly covered by two familiar hands, I couldn't mistake that scent for anyone except.

"Hold it right there," a masculine voice tries to make his voice even deeper. "No body move, no body gets hurt." I hear faint giggling in the back round, Happy?

I smile, turning around, facing a pink hair dragon grinning with each comer of his mouth stretching from ear to ear. I wrap my arms around him, my lips met his, soft and gentle. "I missed you idiot."

His lips met mine, yet again. "I missed you more." His muscular arms wrapped around my waist, my arms around his head. We help that position for what seemed liked hours, until the baby shifted positions, Natsu felt that and jumped back.

"Woow I didn't know she could move like that already!" He exclaimed.

"Well what did you expect, I'm almost due," I giggled.

"I've been gone that long?" He questioned, not wanting to come to realization.

"Yeah, it has gotten pretty hectic." I smiled


"NATSU," two familiar voices cried out.

"That's why," I said. Nighteye and Fury came into my room. Greeting Natsu with hugs. Natsu looked surprised.

"What are you guys doing here?" He scratched the back of his head.

"Queen Layla assigned us to live here." Fury replied. Seeing how awkward Nastu was, Nighteye pulled Fury by the ear out of the room.

"We will catch up at a different time," Nighteye says walking out of the room.

Natsu looks down at my stomach, kneeling down, he kisses him. "I can't wait to meet you, did you ever find out what it is?"

"Yes and since you said 'she' earlier I'm guessing you want it to be a girl?" I smiled.

"It was a habit, since Erza kept saying it will be a girl, she even found some baby armor. You should have seen the look in her eyes, pretty scary shit." He shivered at his memory.

"Well it's a boy!" I exclaim. He picks me up, smiling in delight.

"Finally, I get to fight with the little guy," he says. "I'm fired up!" His hands soon catch fire. I roll my eyes.

"Ok, no." I face palm. "He would be way to small."

Natsu pouts, "God, I never get to do anything."

"Your cute when you pout," I said. Putting my hands on both sides of his cheeks, pulling him into a passionate kiss. He bit my bottom lip asking for permission, I gladly excepted. Things started picking up, until the little guy made my hands catch on fire. Slightly burning Natsu's face.

"What the-" Natsu said surprised. His face as surprised as mine.

"I don't know he has never done that before." Maybe because he doesn't know Natsu's voice? Does he think Natsu is a threat? It was amazing yet weird.

I suddenly got a whiff of something that wreaked of dirt, sweat and must. i heard my nose, "Natsu, go take a shower. You wreak."

"Fine," he whined.

"I will meet you at the guild, ok" I said before I left the house.

I walked down the street, over the river. I stopped in the middle of the bridge, looking down into the water. Watching the leaves blow off the trees. Feeling the slight warm breeze hitting my face. I rested my hand on my stomach, "he's home." A tear escaped my eye. I have waited for a long time to see his face.

I see a familiar figure walking towards me, "mom?"

Something was off, I could feel it. She grabbed me into a long hug. "How is my princess doing?"

Hesitant at first, then excepting, "I have been really good. What are you doing out of the kingdom?"

She looks down at the river, then back up at me. "I wanted to see how you and the baby were doing. Since, your almost due and your going to need my help."

I nodded my head, then came to realization, "didn't you send Nighteye and Fury to look after me?"

"I did? I mean yeah I did." She said. I backed up one step.

"Are you ok mom?"

Her gaze switched from the water to me, the breeze flowed in my direction. The smell I thought I would never smell again filled my nostrils.

My eyes widened, my body froze, my hands covered my mouth, "no it's not possible."

She smiled, "oh yes it is, you should really be thinking where her body is now?" red and black flames surrounded the being that cloned my mother. None other than-

"Fabian?" My eyes and body were fixed on the man standing in front of me. "It's not possible."

Before I could defend myself, he blew a fist full of powder into my face. It smelled like, roses and lavender. Soon everything around me became black.


Hey guys, yeah Lucy finally realized Fabian was still alive. What's going to happen when Natsu finds out she never made it back to the guild. Find out next chapter. Also if you or your friends like reading dystopias, check out my new story 'My Spark of Hope' share it recommend it. See you all next chapter ;)

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