Found You

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A/N:: Hey guys, so I ended up feeling better sooner than I thought I would. All I can say is family sucks ass. Anyway I want to thank all of my beautiful readers, without all of you this story would go nowhere, so THANK YOU! The messages and comments I have gotten really helped. Enjoy the chapter ;)

Natsu's POV

The rage I felt, the power flowing through my body, the white fire coming out of all places possible, I only had one thing on my mind - murder. Nothing else matters, only one thought - why would Lisanna betray me like that? Her out of all people in the world. I looked around trying to notice any familiar pathways, only there was none. The more I look around, the more I come to realize I'm in a cave. I can smell three different scents, none of which belonged to Lucy.

I walk around the open cavern, there are tons of positions and different powders. I hear someone rummaging through a couple of vils. He had a familiar scent. When he turned around, I knew exactly who he was.

"Hey Natsu, we found you. Hey can you put out that fire, you're going to make me blind." Fury covers his hands over his eyes. I see Nighteye coming out of one of the rooms with a younger male in his grip.The white fire seized, except my rage for wanting blood still filled my mouth.

"Hey Natsu, put these on," Nighteye throws a pair of black pants at me. Fury looks up at me, then quickly converts his eyes to the floor. "Cover up would ya?"

"What are you talking about?" I question. Why are these guys acting so strangely?

Nighteye walks towards me, eyes focused on the ceiling. "Next time you suddenly bust out into white flames, make sure it doesn't vaporize your clothes."

I looked at him with a confused expression, until my eyes wandered downwards. I had nothing on except my sandals. I quickly grabbed the pants Nighteye threw at me and put them on.

Fury laughed, "I think Gray's subconscious stripping habits rubbed off on him."

I tied the strings, looked at the younger man that was in fetal position. He looked way too familiar but I can't but my finger on who he is. "Who is that?" I question Nighteye.

"He hasn't told me his name yet. I found him in a jail cell on the other side of the cave." He finishes, walking over to the male. He kneels, placing his hand on the wall above him. "What is your name?"

The man looks at me, curls back into a ball, tears escaping from his eyes. "Please don't hurt me, I promise I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I was supposed to get my freedom." I look at him, his black hair covering his red puffy eyes. "I just wanted to save my life, I tried to escape but he found me. HE WAS GOING TO KILL ME, I had to say something to protect my life."

Fury sighed, "enough of this pointless conversation. If you don't tell us your name we are just going to beat it out of you." Fury cracked his knuckles, making his way over to the male.

"OK FINE. . ." He shouted then went into a low whisper." . . . fine. I am Tagatac. The one who told Fabian where he could find the lost princess." He looked up at me, tears flowed down his face.

I looked at him, thinking about what he just said, then it hit. "Wait. . . So you mean to tell me all of this wouldn't have happened if you would have just kept your mouth shut?" I started getting angry. So he was the reason why Fabian came to Earth in the first place, he is to blame for all of this!

"He was going to kill me for escaping the prison." He let his head hang.

"You son of a bitch," in a swift movement my fist met his face. He clung onto his cheek, scooting away from me. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT HELL YOU HAVE PUT US THROUGH!" I yelled. I rushed towards him again. Fury and Nighteye held me back from attacking this man even further.

"Natsu calm down!" Fury struggled to keep me away. "Beating him won't do anything." I looked at the fragile man, I pulled my arms out of the brothers grips. I let out a roar and punched the closest thing, the wall. It caused the cave to shake. Debris came from the walls, chunks of stone was comin down.

"Natsu are you trying to kill us," Nighteye stats. "This cave could cave in on us, dumbshit."

I quickly calmed down, now my attention was getting answers from Tagatac. I walked over to him, his back was now on the wall. From the look in his eyes, he was terrified. He was the prey, I was the predator. I kneeled close to him. He tried scooting away from me. "I'm not going to hurt you, anymore, if you tell me what I want to know."

"W-what do you want to know?" His voice trembled. His fragile body shook like a small dog in the winter. With hi other hand he wiped the blood coming out of his mouth.

"Where is Lucy?" I said, monotone.

"I-I Heard them over talking amongst each other, they are keeping her in her castle, not far from here actually. But that's what I heard, I don't know if it is true or not."

"Wait, we are in the Dragon Realm?" I questioned him.

"Yup," Fury says. "Gray and Erza are waiting outside the cave, they had some guards here. I'm pretty sure they took them out already."

"Do you think the are strong enough to kill a dragon?" Tagatac whisperers.

"No, I think they are strong enough to kill one dragon and one Lisanna. Nikolai is mine." I growl.

"Well that mean we have to get out of here now." Nighteye stats. I nod in response.

"What are we going to do about him," Fury point at Tagatac.

"Wel-" Nighteye starts, but I quickly cut him off.

"We take him with us, I don't trust him to run off by himself. He might not be telling us the truth about where he is keeping Lucy."

"I am. I swear to you I am." he pleads.

"Well then you will have no problem coming with us." I grab him by his tattered black v-neck. "Lead the way." Nighteye and Fury led the way out of the cave. The exit was about a mile away from where the den was. I see the light, at first glance it hurt my eyes, until I got outside. The land was huge enormous tree covered the ground. We were on a hill so the scenery was just beautiful. Green tree tops, a couple of dragons where flying in the sky. The sight took my breath away. This was the first time I've seen the realm in the daylight. The last time we were here it was only in the castle.

I look to the right, I can see Lucy's castle. It was absolutely stunning. The gold and white tower walls could be seen from a mile away. The gold tops were glistening in the sunlight. This beautiful place is where Lucy and I came from? I look down the hill and see Erza standing over a body, while Gray is sitting on the floor, I'm guessing that's one of the guards.

We walk over to them, in unison Gray and Erza look towards us.

"Who is he?" Gray asks.

"Does it matter? He knows where Lucy is." Fury crosses his arms.

Erza pulled out a blade and held it to his throat, "speak or this will be the last face you ever see."

"Erza, put the blade away, he already told us where she is." Nighteye gently pushes the blade downwards. She give Tagatac the evil eye, under my grip I could feel his body start to shake.

"What took you guys so long?" Gray asks. "I thought you were going to use your dragon transport flames to get out of there."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Fury stats.

"Anyways, Lisanna and Nikolai are behind the whole thing." I growled, trying to suppress the anger that was still inside.

"Wait did you say Lisanna?" Erza spoke up.

"Yes, little bitch." I growled. "Lets just say, she isn't on our side anymore." I looked over to the castle. "There is where we will find all of them."

"All of whom?" Fury asks.

Fire covered my hands, burning Tagatac in the process "All the ones we have to kill."

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