Labor Pains

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Lucy's POV

I am taking a stroll around the castle, I have never seen a place so beautiful in my life. The walls were huge, the interior was golden and red. The base boards are decorated in the most beautiful golden dragon figures. The silk lining around the windows were hand crafted, but by whom? I wanted to tell them how wonderful their work was.

I continued down the gigantic hallway, portraits of a woman and her daughter hung proudly on the wall. The little girl looks so similar to someone. I can't remember anything really, except that I am a royal dragon - powerful one at that - and am pregnant with the heir to the throne. I remember that it's a boy and I'm married to Fabian, the king of this realm. However, if I am mistaken, I remember the altar, except I was standing next to a rosey pink hair man.

Fabian had warned me that if I ever saw a spiky pink haired dragon with a white scarf, I am to use all my magic on him and aim to kill him. He is out to capture me, enslave me and take our baby for his power.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and looked back up at the painting. I reached out and touched it. Time suddenly stopped, a quick visual image filled my mind. My mother, was she? She was beautiful and the queen of this beautiful place. A little girl came running into her arms, they seemed to be laughing and full of joy, was that me? As quickly as the image came, it disappeared. I batted my eyes, trying to remember anything from my past. The baby shifted positions, did he find something familiar about that portrait? "Do you remember something I do not?" I asked him, smirking slightly. He wiggled around some more, causing me great discomfort.

"Hey, don't play kickball with my innards"

I continued my walk, my servant Dilla - a purple and dark blue dragon - came to my side quickly.

She lowered her snout, "my lady, shouldn't you be resting?"

I touched her snout, gently patting it, "I only went on a little walk, I will be fine." I looked around the room. "Plus this place just seems familiar, I want to learn all there is to it. I feel there is a hidden secret within these walls, I want to find out."

She raised her head, " Milady, the prince is soon to arrive we don't want an early labor."

I giggled, "I will be fine, I promise one walk will not cause him to come early. If anything I would think he would want to stay in here so he does not have to see his father's face. He would be scarred for life." I felt him roll, causing me more discomfort, I grabbed my watermelon of a belly, hoping Dilla did not see the discomfort in my face.

She did not seem to notice, instead she laughed at my joke. "It would be ashame if he never stopped crying. Sir Natsu will have quite the handful."

I looked at her, "Natsu?" confusion coated my voice.

She shook her head, "I meant Sir Fabian, forget I said that name." She lowered her head, her light weakened, did she think she did something wrong? "May I be dismissed Milady?"

I nodded. In an instant her giant body hurried down the hall? Who is this Natsu character? Suddenly another image filled my mind. This time I could feel it. A smiling spiky pink haired man looking at me, holding my hands. Then came another, I was in a bed he was on top. The kissing was heavy but the amount of emotion that was put into it was unreal. I wasn't struggling, was I having an affair? I could see my wedding ring on but the man had a matching one on his left hand. Was he my husband? He broke the kiss and looked at me dead in the eyes, I could hear myself saying these words, "Oh Natsu, I love you." He smiles, the warmth of his smile filled my body. He looks at me, placing another kiss on my lips and says, "I love you too Luce. I'm so happy I get to call you my wife." The scene shifted, me and him discussing . . . names? He nodded, " ok but if it's a boy, we are naming him Phoenix."

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