Oh shit

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Happy's POV

"THEY HAVE NATSU AND LUCY!" I scram to the top of my lungs. Trying to hold the tears back, I look at the ground. Regrouping myself, I look up to see Erza and Gray rushing towards me.

"Who has Natsu and Lucy?" Gray asking concerned. He places his hands over my shoulder. I accepted his sympathy, until I looked over at him.

"GROSS GRAY. GO PUT ON SOME CLOTHES," I yell trying to his my eyes, no one wants to see him in his boxers except Juvia. He looks down, "God dammit not again." he rushes to go find pants.

Erza quickly picked up where gray left off, "Happy, who took them?"

I clenched my teeth, "the new dragon of Fairy Tail and his brother, Fabian." The whole guild turned to silence. No one spoke. Gazing around the room, more people looked pissed than anything, Droy even stopped eating, which shocked me.

Erza knelt down, "do you know where they have taken them?"

I pondered the question, "no." I said in response. "However I know two people that might have an idea."

Lucy's POV

I woke up in a bed, very soft and warm. My head pounded, I can't remember anything. I can only remember that I am pregnant, and that I am a powerful dragon. I cannot remember who I am married to, or how I got in this bed. I looked scanned the room I was in. Seems familiar, I thought. Getting up going to the closest mirror, I looked down at my belly, from the looks of it I think I'm due soon. Trying to remember, I see a image of a fiery red haired man float threw my mind. He was in a tuxedo, the memory was of us... getting married? Then came another one, more emotional than the first. Mostly of a passionate night, I guess he is the one that helped create this baby, if I recall I think I'm having a boy, I don't know.

The doors open, I hear voices. Quietly I make my way out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, which was huge, big enough for a dragon. Everything seemed to be that size.

The man I had seen in my memories was standing in the room, back facing me. A woman, who looks familiar, was talking to him. I tie my blonde hair up, not wanting it to fall onto my face. Walking out towards them they stopped talking, which was a little suspicious. The man walked up to me, hesitant almost, "do you know who I am?"

His voice was masculine, I squinted my eye brows a little. "Are you my husband?" I asked. Their faces let out what seemed to be relief.

"Yes," he said. "You were in an accident and you hit your head pretty hard, causing you to forget who I was."

I tilted my head a little, "I am not completely sure who you are?" Motioning to the woman.

She smiled and took my hand, "I'm Nikki, I am the one that is helping you with the pregnancy."

I smiled casually, "well it's nice to meet you, again."

"Oh that means you probably don't know my name. I'm Fabian." He said, coming closer to me. At first I was a little hesitant, however that didn't seem to stop him. He planted a rough kiss on my lips, his lips needed Chapstick, really bad. I hesitated to kiss him back, but ended up giving in. He was my husband after all.

"I'm going to leave you two alone. To yah know catch up on a few things," Nikki said awkwardly backing up towards the door. We parted from the kiss, thank god. "Ok see you later."

She left without hesitation. He looked at me, grabbing my waist, "so what should we do?" He asked with a hint of seduction in his voice, really bitch. I pushed him off.

"Well first you can start by rubbing my back, this baby is heavier than you think. Then my feet an draw me a hot bath, would you?" I don't know what it is but I feel like I am missing something big. I feel like my heart never belonged to him but to someone else. But who?

He grabbed me from behind, "I think I have a better idea." I started getting uncomfortable. Shortly after my belly lit his hands on fire, pure golden and red flames. I didn't feel the heat, but Fabian did, which was kinda funny to watch. He let go, trying to put the fire out. Once he did he looked at me, then at my belly. Almost stunned.

"I didn't want to do that anyway, plus I have somewhere I have to attend. Clean yourself up, I don't want you looking like that when I introduce you to the kingdom again." He held his burning hands. Wait am I a queen?


Hey guys sorry for the crappy chapter I'm not feeling to well. I started a new Nalu fanfic called Broken Soul. Check it out it does have way more trigger warnings. See you all in the next chapter ;)

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