The Prophesy

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Lucy's POV

"Wait what?" I tried to process what was just said.

"You and your family are in danger." Nighteye slowed his wording down.

I sat back in my chair. Putting my hand over my stomach. We are in danger?

"W-why are we in danger?" I asked, hoping I would understand.

Nighteye looked over at Fury, he sighed. "It's your unborn baby. It will draw millions of powerful dragons and wizards after it."

My mother spoke up, "legend has it, two powerful dragons, one a fire the other a space dragon, will come together and produce the ultimate force of magic power. The child was prophesied to be incredibly powerful, in wizard terms more powerful than the wizard Zeref. A war will break out universal wide, your baby is they key to ending it, when it reaches adulthood. It is said that your baby will be the destruction of the universe, if raised in the wrong hands. Once this baby is born, every magical being will want it. They will kill Natsu and once yu birth the baby they will kill you too. The baby is the one power no one can defeat. I'm positive that all dark magic wizards and fallen dragons will be after him."

I placed my hands over my mouth. My baby could be kidnapped and be the reason the universe is destroyed. "According to which legend?" I asked.

My mother smiled, "do you remember the story I used to tell you?"

I shook my head,"no, not really"

"It's the prophesy of the Universal Dragon. It is said that, he will control the universe and everything in it." Fury interrupted.

"So this is why we are here," my mother added. "I'm leaving these two with you. They are your protectors, I should have mentioned that the last time we were here. They will protect you and your family, even when Natsu returns. This baby can not be raised in the wrong hands."

I nodded, placing my hand on my baby bump. "Whatever it takes."

All three of them smiled. "All right then. Princess, do you want to know what the gender of the baby is?" Nighteye walked over to me.

I thought about it, "yes."

He grabbed my hands, lifting me up. "Ok, concentrate on your baby."

I close my eyes and picturing my baby. The breeze picked up, white light surrounding me. Felt like I was in the clouds.

"Ok here comes the challenging part, summoning many stars, it takes an abundance of your magic power." Nighteye began. "The reason why I say concentrate is because you will be opening a hole to space. When your ready chant, open gate to space, I call for the belt of Orion." I got ready, this is going to be hard.

I took in a deep breath, "Open Protal to Space, I call for Orion's Belt." The room turned dull, ground began to shake, books being thrown off of the shelves. I could feel the magic being drained. In the center of the ceiling a black hole opened, millions of stars lied within, shinning brightly. Three bright shinning stars emerged from the black hole, the magic energy was Lessing quickly. The circled around me, the brighter one of the three touching my stomach, shinning brighter. One by one they all touch my belly until the three stars rested on it.

"Ok once they detach themselves, if they form a horizontal line it means a girls, vertical means a boy." Nighteye stated.

The stars shunned brightly, almost as bright as the sun. The swirled spun my body, making their shape. Not a minute later they dove back into the black whole, which disappeared not to long after. A smile landed on my face, "its a boy."

"There's going to be a prince," my mother happily sighed.

"Nice now I can teach him how to destroy stuff," Fury excitedly mentions.

I lightly laughed, " I think Natsu has that covered."

My mother stood from her chair, "I will be returning to the realm now. Please boys, protect my daughter and her family."

They nodded in unison. Sparkling flames arose from the floor, the most beautiful flames I ever did see. Moments later she was gone.

"When do you think Natsu will be back. He said he wanted to see who was stronger, even though we both know who that is," Fury gave himself praise.

Nighteye placed his hand on Fury's shoulder, "yeah and we both know you would get your ass kicked." Fury sat back in a chair frowning.

Well it looks like you will have your wish after all, Natsu. I smiled to myself, placing my hand on my unborn son.

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