The Life Changing Choice

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Natsu's POV

Three weeks have passed since Cana and Lucy had their talk. Lucy never really mentioned what they talked about, she just reassures me that Cana will be ok. Which she has, so far. She seems to slowly be getting back to her old self. Last week Nighteye invited Cana to the house, they spent countless hours of the night talking. That night when I would tend to Phoenix's night bursts I even heard crying. They are each other's support and that's always good to have. Slowly, they seem to be getting back to their old selves. She even has been playing with Phoenix a lot more. His hair is converting from pink to blond, he will definitely be a blonde.

He is turning out to be a handful, even though he is only a month old. He won't stop eating, I know where he gets that from. One time we took him to the guild, Gajeel wanted to see him. He got scared he opened a wormhole in the middle of the guild that sucked him inside. Lucy had to use her space major to get him back before he suffocated to death. When she came back with him, he kept his distance from Phoenix, I'm guessing because he can't fight a baby. Lucy showed me how to 'properly' change a diaper, and he peed on me and smiled about it. However, he is my son and I love him just the way he is. His silver scales went away a couple of weeks ago, meaning they are no longer visible, unless he uses his magic.

At this moment Lucy is feeding him his fourth bottle since we got up, 2 hours ago. I was in the kitchen making Lucy and I some breakfast before we head out for a day to ourselves. I have recently come home from a job request involving clearing monsters out of a small town, not far from where Lucy and I enjoyed our honeymoon. We decide to just have a day for ourselves. It is a nice day, so why not take the day.

"Hey Lucy," I call to her. I hear a hum from her in response. "How do you want your eggs?" For her, I made bacon and eggs, well in the process of making the eggs.

"Umm," I hear her say. "Scrambled." I finish making her breakfast. I walk out into the living room, and present her with her food. She smiles and thanks me, I sat next to her, then I got an idea. "Hey Luce?" I her hum in response. "Do you think he could eat regular food?"

I hold a piece of bacon over his mouth, "I wonder if he would be able to chew it since he doesn't have any teeth." I lower my hand to his mouth.

"Natsu, I don't think that's a good-" she tired to get out, but interrupted by me.

"OW, SON OF A BITCH." I take back my finger. His sharp little canine teeth got me in the finger. While a small drop of blood escaped from my finger.

I hear her giggle to what just happened, "if you would have listened to me, I would have said not to do that because after they are born a dragon development is faster than regular kids his age. So his canines started coming in two days ago."

"Well now I know not to mess with you and food." I gently stroke his forehead.

"I could have told you that," I turn to see Nighteye standing in the door frame his arms folded over his chest.

"Well good morning to you too," Lucy jokingly lets out. She handed Phoenix to me. "I'm going to get dressed for today." I nodded.

I laid him in my lap, he wiggled around for a moment then stayed perfectly still. I stared playing with his feet and lightly blowing on his stomach, making him smile. He really likes it when I make the fire horse, he even came up with his own way of saying he wants to see it: his puny fire breath. He blows fire towards the air. It's so adorable since the fire is so small. The fire maybe small, but it burns like hell.

"No one would have expected you to turn out like this, two years ago." Nighteye walks over to me and sits to my right. "Married and a caring dad anyway."

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