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" Hyung, where are the groceries ? How did you managed to live without any food ?" It's only been an hour since Jimin moved into Yoongi's house but well, it doesn't feel like that to Yoongi.

Jimin has already nagged him just when he placed his foot in the house. ' Hyung, it's so messy!', 'Hyung there's no food!', 'When was the last time you cleaned your house ?', 'Where is the mop, I can't find anything ?', 'Gosh, why does it stink so much ?'

" I told you I spent most of my time in the office." He unpacks all of Jimin's things from the boxes.
" That's not a very viable excuse." He's fuming mad by now. Yoongi knows how much of a clean freak Jimin is, he can't be at ease if even one thing is misplaced from it's place. And well in this case, the whole house was misplaced.

Only the living room looked a bit humane but the bedroom and kitchen, well it was just horrific. Piles of dishes were stacked on top of each other in the sink that were left untouched for god knows how many days. The trash bin overloaded from all the packets and trays of take out.

This was seriously giving Jimin a headache that he never asked for. His eyes were on their way to bulge out, words almost at the tip of his tongue when he felt the hands snaking around his back, silently.

Yoongi rests his face on Jimin's shoulder, his hands securing around the younger's waist.
" I'll clean this all by myself. You should go and rest, you're probably tired." He presses a kiss on his shoulder blade.

" No hyung, I'm fine. Let's clean this together." It's crazy how Yoongi beholds the power to change his mood this easily.
" By the way." He pushes Jimin backwards till his back hit the kitchen counter.

" The counter is clean, you know, if you want to... do something." His smug look is back. There's no denying that he have grown quite some guts in the past few weeks.

All that does is to leave a pink dust on Jimin's face and heat flaring in his body.
" Hyung, you're so dirty minded." He puts his hand forward to push Yoongi away but Yoongi catches his hand before it could even touch him.

He leaves a wet sloppy kiss on his wrist, looking right into Jimin's eyes when he decides to bite the skin.
" I'm just telling you, I would like to make lov-" Jimin makes a high pitch whine to stop Yoongi in his sentence. He would bursts out if he hear the words coming out of his mouth.

" For god sake hyung, shut up please." When he finds himself failed to escape Yoongi's hold, he uses his hands to cover his face.
" Why ? You don't like the idea of-" That's the second time he stops Yoongi from completing his sentence.

Yoongi smirks only grow bigger as Jimin's blushed increase. From the above discussion we can easily conclude that , Yoongi's smirk is directly proportional to Jimin's blush.

" Ahh hyung don't continue. I don't like it." He's desperately trying to get out of Yoongi's hold but it's like even his body wants to stay in the alpha's arms.
" Yeah ? Is that so. But the blush on your face say other wise." He presses his cold hand on Jimin's heated cheek, igniting a spark in his body.
" That's it you're sleeping on the couch tonight." He finally pushes through Yoongi's arms and storm off to his-no, their bedroom.

" It's okay if you don't wanna do it right now. The offer will stay till lifetime." He shouts at the closed door.
" Pervert hyung, go away." Jimin screams from inside making Yoongi burst out laughing. Flustered and blushing Jimin would really be the death of him.


It was almost midnight when they were finally able to unpack all of Jimin's stuff. It was mostly his and Haru's clothes and some essentials that he brought along, rest unimportant things were left in his house.

It's not even been a whole day since Jimin moved in but the house already have a different kind of atmosphere to it. It seems more like Jimin now, more organized and clean, and less messy.

After putting Haru off to sleep in his new room, they're finally back to their bedroom. The idea to sharing a bed with Yoongi everyday feels a bit strange but gets him squeaky every time.

" Ah, my muscles are soar." Jimin tries to massage his back muscles. It's been so long since he have done some manual labour resulting into the muscle pain he was experiencing now.

" Let me give you a massage." Yoongi suggests but Jimin can't let go of the kitchen event that easily. He still looks at Yoongi with suspicious eyes.

To that Yoongi raises his hands in defence.
" You know I was just teasing you back then. Now, just lay on the bed and let me do the work." He bit his tongue just as the words come out.
" Ah, it was just a slip of tongue. No double meaning attached." It really was just a slip of tongue, but Jimin is still looking at him with doubt.

" That better be it." He warns him before laying down on the bed. Yoongi massaging his soar muscles right now sounds good to him. So, he gave him the green flag to act upon the idea.

Yoongi doesn't waste his time on sitting by Jimin's side. His hands went upto his back like metal getting attracted towards the magnet. His hand presses down with a bit more pressure making a moan come out of Jimin's mouth that was totally unintentional. And that just fills Yoongi's mind with lewd fantasies.

" Here, done. Do you feel better now ?" Jimin sits right up from his sleeping position after the massage was over. He's not lying, he even fell asleep a few times during the massage. Yoongi hands worked like wonder on his body. Maybe they can do wonder somewhere else too- No, no, he shouldn't think about it right now.

" It was okay-ish." He plays it cool, not wanting to flatter the older too much.
Yoongi grabs Jimin's arms and pulls him back to the sleeping position, holding him in his arms.
Staring into each other's eyes, that's a thing they have been doing for quite a lot now and it doesn't seem like they would ever get bored of it.

" Can I atleast have my good night kiss ?" Jimin is thinking about teasing him again, but when he saw that innocent look on Yoongi's face he don't have the heart to reject him.
So, he swiftly leans down to press a soft peck on Yoongi's lips before snuggling into his chest.

" Night hyung."
" Good night, baby." Yoongi kisses the top of his head and cover them both with the blanket. Well, the blanket was quite unnecessary for them, their body heats are enough to keep each other warm thorough the cold night.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now