chapter 1

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y/n's pov

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y/n's pov

"i'm afraid the damage is permanent. you will no longer be able to play."

my heart dropped when he said those words,


"you cannot play volleyball, it will only damage your knee further. i'm very sorry."

tears pricked my eyes, this can't be happening. volleyball was the only thing keeping me going these days. i had no motivation to do anything else, it was my escape, my paradise, and now it's gone.

"thank you."

"of course, we have to set a date for your surgery, so when you leave, stop at the front desk. see you soon!"

he said as he walked out. my knee was in a brace, one where i couldn't move my leg. i had to be on crutches until my surgery and maybe even after that. i pushed myself off of the chair, putting the crutches under my arms and opening the door, back to the lobby.

"n/n, what did they say?"

atsumu asked worried as I walked out,

"i can't play anymore..."

"it's gonna be okay n/n."

osamu replied, wrapping his arms around me.

"i have to get a surgery date now. i'll be right back."

i said as i let go, walking to the front desk. in two months time, i would be getting surgery on my knee.

"we're going back to the school, yes?"

"yeah, we have...practice."

"okay, i need to talk to my coach anyway."

i got into the car with the help of the twins, one was panicking as i got in. the other was silent, but i knew he was freaking out on the inside. my knee hurt like hell, my life felt like it was over.


"hey coach"

"y/n! what did they say?"

she asked eagerly,

"i'm done."

i said, looking back up to her. her expression dropped, just like mine when he told me. her smile was gone now,

"what do you mean? you don't want to play?"

"of course i want to play, this is my favorite thing to do. But if i play, i'll only injure myself even worse. i'm sorry, i let you down."

"no y/n, you are one of my star players. three years worth of training is all packed into you. hell, you even got on the women's u19 team, so don't ever say you let me down."

i nodded my head, keeping the tears from dropping.

"if it's not too much to ask, can i still come to practice?"

"you're always welcome y/n"

i watched as the girls on my team walked in, their eyes stopping on me, or more so my knee. they all walked up, asking what the doctor had said.

"calm down, i'm fine, i'm fine. i can't play anymore and i'm getting surgery in two months."

"so you're not gonna play even after that?"

"i'm not sure, probably not. if i play, the damage only gets worse."

they all let out an exasperated sigh, they were disappointed, but so was i. disappointed that I could be so careless, sure i had gotten injured before, but never anything major. just minor sprains and rolls. but this was something i wasn't sure i could come back from. but i had to try, i want, no, needed to come back from this. i needed to play volleyball again, even if it takes years. i watched as the girls practiced, longing to be back on the court. soon practice was over and i made my way to the other gym. i could hear the boys inside calling for sets and whatnot. i sat down on the bleachers inside watching as they played.

"n/n! you came to watch me!"

atsumu shouted across the gym,

"we live together idiot!"

his face dropped into a pout


he whined,

"shuddup 'tsumu!"

osamu yelled, hitting the back of his head. i can't believe i'm related to these idiots. i watched as they started fighting, suna recording at every angle for 'blackmail'. kita, the captain, pulled them apart, never breaking his cool demeanor. he was always quiet, not rude in any way, and always respectful.

"go get cleaned up you two, practice is over. everyone can go home."

i watched as the twins bickered with each other and walked out.

"y/n, make sure they dont kill each other please."

"i got it."

i gave a smile and walked out to the car, seeing them in the distance. their faces covered in bandages,

"your mom is gonna kill me."

"sorry y/n."

"'s fine, let's just go."

authors note:

here is chapter one! i hope you enjoyed! please remember to vote and share!

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