chapter 2

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y/n's pov

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y/n's pov

it had been two weeks since i got the news and i was absolutely miserable. i was torturing myself watching them play without me. this sucked ass, and not to mention my leg was killing me. i mean i could do little things, set the ball, pass a little but, but of course, that wasn't enough to fuel my need to play. my hand started to cramp from doing my homework for so long, i set my pencil down and cracked my knuckles, trying to get them to stop cramping. i looked at my unfinished math homework, debating whether or not to finish it or do something else instead. i decided against not doing it, i had to get a good grade. since it's my third year, i have to pass all my classes if i want to get into a good university. i had been thinking about tokyo, but i'm not completely sure. i mean tokyo was a long way from here, almost a seven hour drive. but it's a great school, it has everything i want. plus i have friends in tokyo who i know are going there. i haven't talked to them in a while, i should call them soon. Damn and they offered me a full ride to their school, fuck, stupid injuries. It's just bad luck.


it was set point, we were up by one, i was up to serve. i took a deep breath and tossed the ball. i had a habit of holding my breath when i served, it gave me... a sense of silence. blocking out the cheers from our own boys team and the huge crowd watching. i started my approach...left, right, left, my hand contacting the ball at the perfect spot to make it curve to the line. my eyes watched as their setter picked it up, perfect, they're out of system. i took my spot in middle back, getting into defense, the ball is going to the middle. so that means she is hitting towards the libero, like always. sure enough the ball hit out libero, but not the right way. she shanked it to the back of the court. i chased after it making a last second dive, my arms reaching as far as they could. the ball hit my hand and i flicked my wrist backward, sending the ball back to the court. but it wasn't over yet, a row of chairs came into view, i covered my head with my arms as my body slammed into the chairs. my body rolled over the chairs and onto the floor. i let out a gasp as my knee made contact with the wall, a little too hard... i flipped on my back, the lights blinding me, my whole body hurt like hell.

"y/n... y/n!"

"'huh, what... i'm here."

"are you alright?"

"yes, yes. i can still play! i promise i'm okay!"

i said, groaning as i stood up. i slightly limped as i walked back onto the court. a smile on my face as i walked to my teammates.

"y/n, are you sure you're okay?"

"it doesn't matter, all that matters is that we win."

they all nodded their heads, i was determined to win. i got into position, my knee was killing me, but i didn't care. the whistle and then the serve, not a hard serve, but a float. the ball started coming, i slowly made my way up towards the middle of the court, until it started dropping in the front row. i dove and picked it up, passing it high enough for our setter, etsuko, to get it. i watched as she set mira, who put the ball down. the crowd went wild, i cheered for my teammates watching as they put in our pinch server.

"hey, aki."

she turned to me, her eyes wide as she held the ball

"don't be scared, alright? you can do it."

i said quietly. she nodded her head and confidently walked back, the ball went over the net, right behind their middle blocker, perfect. she dodged out of the way, the libero barely picked it up. their setter set the outside who hit straight at me. i picked the ball up and got it to etsuko. i called for the set which she gladly gave. the ball went up, i paused for a second before approaching, my hand hit the ball, my wrist snapping it over. i watched as the ball hit the endline, looking up to the ref. the gym was so quiet i heard my own breathing. Until my team cheered. we did it, we won. my team cheered as they handed me the trophy, i held it in the air for everyone to see. we did the award ceremony and I walked up to their captain.

"your team was definitely a hard one. i'm glad i got the chance to compete with you."

"likewise, you truly are something else. no wonder you're on the U19 women's team. i look forward to watching you play on the big screen soon."

"thank you, have a safe trip."

"you as well"

i shook her hand before walking over to my team, tears pricked my eyes, but i had to be strong, just a little longer.

flashback end:

that was idiotic idea, i should've stopped playing when i had the chance. But i didn't, if i did, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

"y/n, do you think you could take this to the boys gym? Coach forgot it here."

"yeah, i got it."

i grabbed the clipboard from her and made my way over. i quietly walked in trying not to make any noise, but that failed miserably as the door hit me when it closed.

"ow, stupid fucking door."

i whispered harshly, when i looked up, everyone in the gym was staring at me.

"sorry, for disrupting. uh- you forgot this in our gym."

"y/n, be our manager."

i turned to see kita beside me,

"w-what? me?"

"yes, there's no one else here named y/n."

he tilted his head to the side, a confused look on his face. i paused for a second,

"why me?"

"well we thought you would like to be our manager, since..."

their coach spoke up, i nodded my head,

"give me a few days to think about it?"

"of course, take all the time you need."

he smiled,

"oh and here."

i handed him the clipboard,

"thank you."

i made my way to the door, looking back one more time, maybe i would take him up on that offer.

authors note:

okay, im very proud of the flashback scene not gonna lie. thank you for reading :) aslo, don't forget to vote and recommend!

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