chapter 15

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i waited in the stands of the sendai city gym for the game to start

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i waited in the stands of the sendai city gym for the game to start. since my surgery and whatnot.iI wasn't allowed to manage their game which was unfortunate, but i still came to support. they were going to play karasuno to see who would go to the next level. i was a little nervous after i heard the rumors about some crazy middle, their number 10, and their new setter, kageyama tobio. i'd briefly met him before, he was quiet, he was a little scary if i'm being honest. they'd taken down shiratorizawa which came as a shock actually, i knew they could beat seijoh, but shiratorizawa? if i'm being honest, i think this is a great match up, i know the boys are all really excited to play, probably scolding atsumu to not pull some crazy shit like he does at all the other games. I laughed at the thought of shinsuke telling him not to, having some crazy scary aura, but having a calm voice like always. i watched as karasuno walked out, they were wearing orange jerseys instead of their usual black ones, they all looked concentrated, ready to play. i'd seen some of their players before, their captain, number 1, their libero looked familiar, obviously their number 10 and kageyama. i looked at the door the boys would come in through, waiting anxiously for their arrival. finally i saw the door open and all of them walk out, i smiled lightly, giving a wave to which they all excitedly waved back,

"hi y/n!"

atsumu shouted at me, then osamu hit him in the back of the head and scolded him for yelling. i flagged shinsuke down, trying to catch his attention, but got aran's instead. i looked at him and pointed at kita who he told i was calling for him. he looked up at me, and i motioned to him,

"ask to serve."

he nodded his head and went back to warming up. soon after, captains were called, both shinsuke and karasuno's captain went up to one another, bowing slightly. i watched as he talked and then the two went their separate ways. shinsuke walked up to the coach and said something to him. he looked up at me and gave a thumbs up, i nodded my head. i knew atsumu would be serving first which was good, we needed a good serve to start, and he was definitely one of our best servers.

"fancy seeing you here."

i turned to my left,


"the last name kind of hurts, y/n-chan."

he acted as though he was in pain,

"what're you doing here?"

i asked him,

"i'm here to watch the game, obviously. i want to see tobio get destroyed."

he glared at the younger setter on the court,

"anyways, shouldn't you be down there with your team?"

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