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December 25, 1989

Stevie had been deep in thought about the whole prospect of marriage and adoption all coming at once especially with Lindsey because just a month ago they weren't even speaking to each other, but after a quick call to Karen to learn about the research that she had done, Stevie came to the conclusion that if she wasn't married to Lindsey, her chance of adopting a baby would be very slim because she was a former drug addict so it'd be really hard for her to even be approved. And with that in mind, she was thinking long and hard about if she really wanted to be a mother and the truth was she did want to be a mother. So badly and where she's at in life age-wise, it could potentially be very hard for her to conceive on her own. 

"Stevie you seem far away." Barbara sighs during Christmas dinner.

"Oh, I just...I have a lot on my mind." She shakes her head.

"What's on your mind...we're your family, maybe we can help you." Jess shrugs.

"No, because it'll take away from Chris and Lori's weekend. They're getting married on the 31st." Stevie shrugs

"Now I've gotta know." Chris nudges his sister in the ribs.

"I"m going to um...I'm going to be getting married too." She gulps.

"To who, why haven't we met the man?" Jess jumps to defense.

"It's no...not like that...you've already met him...it's Lindsey. I'm marrying Lindsey because I'm well... I'm trying to adopt a baby and...and....with my history of abortion and drug addiction, I won't be eligible if I'm not married. So Lindsey agreed to do this with me. For all I know we might divorce after the adoption is finalized..." Stevie shrugs.

"So have you spoken to an agent yet?" Lori asks.

"No...Lindsey and I are going to get married early in the new year. No wedding or anything just at the courthouse you know and then we're going to start the application process." Stevie shakes her head. 

The reality was, she hadn't even spoken to Lindsey about all of this, she had just made the decision that day but she knew she'd have to call him that night and tell him everything she was telling her parents. 

"Well, I'm happy for you." Chris leans over and wraps his arms around his sister.

"Are you hoping for a little boy or a little girl?" Barbara questions reaching over and squeezing Stevie's hand.

"I just want a baby. We still have to apply and get approved." Stevie shakes her head.

"I think you'll have a good outcome." Jess winks at his daughter.


That night after her family had gone to bed, Stevie went downstairs and dialed Lindsey's mom's number. It was a risky little game because she could literally wake up any one but Lindsey especially because Ruth had a rule if you were spending a Holiday with her and you were one of her children, even if you lived in San Francisco, you would still be in your childhood bed. Luckily though when the phone picked up she heard Lindsey. 

"Buckingham Residence this is Lindsey." 

"Linds honey..." She smiles.

"Steph?" He asks.

"Yeah...um, we should uh...we should look at setting a date." She brings her thumb up to her mouth and starts nibbling on it. 

"Yeah?" Lindsey asks.

"Yeah...I've weighed my options and talked to Karen and my family and Karen said that the prospect of me getting approved without a significant other would be slim to none because of my drug history and I know you did drugs too, but you didn't publically go to rehab. I did. And it might...it might make me out to look like a possibly irresponsible parent. And I really want to do this Lindsey." She sighs.

"Alright...so when do you want to get married?" Lindsey asks.

"Maybe um...maybe January 8th. I'll be home on the 5th...when are you going to be back?" She asks.

"I'm coming home tomorrow. I was just here for Christmas." Lindsey explains. 

"So maybe...um, maybe you could move into my house..." She trails off.

"Well, I'll still keep mine but I can move my clothing and guitars and stuff into your house. Maybe just keep this one as like a studio house." Lindsey suggests.

"That's fine...you can, you can take one of the guest rooms or you could sleep in my bedroom. I wouldn't mind it.  My gate code is...well it's simply 41973. Because Buckingham Nicks came out in April of 1973." She chews on her lip.

Lindsey just chuckles and then he says, "Alright, I'll figure out sleeping arrangements....should I start getting the house ready for a baby?" 

"What do you mean?" Stevie inquires.

"Baby gates, and child locks." Lindsey states.

"Oh um, yeah maybe...Karen did say that we'd have to have a house visit." Stevie nods.

"Alright...look, I have to get up early tomorrow so I'm going to turn in...but I'll see you in a couple of weeks Steph." 


January 5, 1989

Karen picked her up from the airport and all of a sudden she felt very nervous very fast. 

"Stevie it'll be okay." Karen smiles.

"I'm sure it will be, but I haven't lived with him since the seventies and I'm like...I'm marrying him now." Stevie shrugs 

"I think you'll be okay. I can almost assure you that you're going to be okay. And hopefully, at the end of this, you'll have a little baby to show for it." Karen tries to reassure her.

"Yeah, a little baby. Mine and Lindsey's little baby." She beams.

"Do you still love Lindsey?" Karen inquires.

"I never stopped," Stevie admits.

"Well hey, maybe that'll be a good thing." Karen nudges her arm.

"Maybe...we'll see. Thank you for picking me up Karen. You'll meet at the courthouse on Monday right?" Stevie asks.

"Of course...Hey, Good luck in there." Karen points to the house. 

Stevie smiles climbs out of Karen's car and she's about to collect her luggage but Lindsey beats her to it.

"Oh thank you." Stevie smiles at him.

"I was putting a baby gate on the stairs, I saw you pull in," Lindsey explains. 

"Alright," Stevie chuckles lightly.

"I had to get a custom baby gate for your stair, that was an adventure and a half," Lindsey explains leading her into the house.

"We're actually doing this Lindsey." Stevie sighs.

"We are. Are you ready for this?" 

"I don't know...I guess we'll find out." 

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