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February 2, 1990

They were sitting idly in the family room, the TV on low, just willing for the phone to ring. Marge and the Social Worker had come promptly at eight in the morning and they left at noon after going through every single room of Stevie's giant ass house. They tested the smoke alarms, they made sure Lindsey had bolted the heavy furniture to the wall and he had child locked almost everything. They smiled when they saw that both of the fireplaces-the one in Stevie's room and the one in the family room-had barriers, they were happy with the three gates that blocked off the rotunda and the stairs. But they were absolutely thrilled when they saw that Stevie's pool and Jacuzzi were fenced in and her yard was massive. And they both cooed at the nurseries that they had set up. 

"Lindsey, do you think we passed?" Stevie asked gnawing on her thumbnail.

"I'm sure we did. They're probably just going through all of their documents again." Lindsey shrugs.

"I want our babies Lindsey..." Stevie sighs.

"I know you do, and soon we'll know everything soon." Lindsey smiles kissing her temple just as the phone rings and Stevie gasps leaping ontop of Lindsey and grabbing it.


"Stephanie, Hi...it's Marge." 

"Marge did we...can we..." Stevie can't get the words out. 

"Yes, I am pleased to tell you that you and Lindsey can come and pick up Misty and Cordelia." Marge smiles.

"Oh, thank you so much, thank you so much we'll be right down there." Stevie cheers. 

Once she hangs up she looks at Lindsey and she beams, "We got them...oh we got them...I have to go prepare the diaper bag. Which coat should I bring for Cordelia?" Stevie asks.

"She's probably still wearing her nightgown so pick the coat that you think will fit with the outfit that you pick out for her because I want to take her to McDonald's for lunch when we pick them up." Lindsey kisses her temple.

"Lindsey, we're going to be parents." Stevie smiles.

"Yeah baby, we are." Lindsey nods. 

Stevie chooses a burnt orange peasant top and a pair of white leggings with burnt orange and pink flowers. She also grabbed the little pink peacoat and the brown boots that she chose for her and then she grabbed the little pink owl plush toy and the white blanket with pink hearts that went with it. She grabbed a few diapers and the wipes and then she went into Misty's room and she chose a white sleeper with purple polka dots on it and the little black bear fuzzy snowsuit. She went downstairs and made up a couple of bottles for Misty and then they were off. 


Stevie was happy as a lark walking into the room with Marge. Lindsey on her tail carrying the baby carrier. And once she saw her kids her face lit up as did Cordelia who was sitting in the crib and bounced when she saw Lindsey.


"Hi, Cordelia." Lindsey coos setting the carrier down and going to the crib taking her out of it cuddling her closely. 

"Cordelia...you're going to come to stay with Lindsey and me. We're going to love you and we're going to take care of you and protect you." Stevie smiles taking her little hand.

"Indsey." She lays her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah kiddo, I'm going to protect you." Lindsey cradles her closely kissing her little blonde curls. 

"Delia, can I help you change your clothes out of your pajamas?" Stevie asks as Lindsey sits on the couch with her in his arms.

"potty." Cordelia states.

"You have to go potty?" Stevie questions.

She just nods and Stevie smiles. "Alright, I'll take you." 

"It's right through there." Marge points. 

She holds her arms out for Cordelia and cautiously she leaves Lindsey's arms and goes into Stevie's arms. Once she's safe and secure Stevie takes the little outfit. 

Stevie helps her go potty and she's surprised just how much Cordelia knows, she doesn't even have to have help wiping her she just does it herself once she's finished, all Stevie does is hold her because there isn't a toddler potty there then she helps her wash her hands and Stevie has her get dressed in the outfit she brought and much to Stevie's delight it fit perfectly.

"You look so pretty." Stevie coos.

"Pwetty," Cordelia repeats.

"Yeah pretty." She nods taking her hand and leading her back to the rest of the group where Lindsey has a wide-awake Misty dressed in the outfit that Stevie brought specifically for her. 

"Alright congrats Mom and Dad, they're all yours...for now...there's going to be three home visits before we can confirm your adoption, we have to see how the kids are reacting to their environment. And to you...At any time if we feel like we need to, we can take them back until the adoption is final. These visits will be announced but they'll be unannounced. We'll call you twenty-four hours in advance. All you have to do is sign these papers and you'll be good to go." Marge smiles.

"Thank You So Much." Stevie smiles squeezing Cordelia tightly. 

Once they sign the papers, Stevie and Lindsey get the kids in their winter gear and slides their own coats on before Stevie takes Cordelia into her arms the little girl putting her thumb in her mouth. 

"Hey Delia, Stevie and I got you something." Lindsey smiles digging in the diaper bag. He pulls out the blanket and the owl and Stevie gasps her eyes going wide and Cordelia smiles around her thumb and reaches out for them. She squeezes them tightly in her arms and Stevie kisses her temple. 

Arriving at McDonald's, Lindsey takes the baby carrier and Stevie takes Cordelia and they make their way in. McDonald's was never a place Stevie would eat but Lindsey really wanted to do this and she did want to make her child happy and she was hoping that Mcdonald's was going to do that. 

"Nuggies." Cordelia smiles.

"Yeah, you want Chicken Nuggets?" Lindsey questions.

"I'll take the kids if you want to get our order." Stevie smiles holding her free arm out asking for the carrier.

"Do you want a salad?" He asks.

"No, A Chicken Sandwich and a coke, no French fries unless you plan on eating them." She smiles

"Alright." He grins kissing her head and she goes further into the restaurant to find a seat. 

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