The beginning

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My father and I had a great relationship but he had passed away a few years ago but before that, he had passed down his powers. When that happened he trained me during the night in his and I guess you could say my homeland and every day before we went back I met more of the demons down there and dad told them I was going to be there next ruler but first I had to get rid of the traitor muzan. Some time passed after my father died I was going to go do my daily round of selling charcoal, like normal but the sun was already setting and if I'm out during the night the demons that muzan made could find out somethings they should not so the mister who lived at the bottom helped me out and let me stay at his home for the night I kindly thanked him and spent the night but before I went to bed he told me about the demons that crawl around at night.

Time skip: Next day

        Before I left misters house I thanked him for letting me say then he proceeds to say
"It's alright your welcome anytime if it's for somebody's safety,"
I start heading up back to my house half-way up I start to smell blood I got worried and started running to my house but to my surprise, I saw my whole family dead I rushed over to see if anybody made it I checked everybody but nobody but before I lost all hope I checked nezuko she was still breathing barley so I picked her up and started heading down the mountain then she started moving and I tripped and fell thanks to the snow I did not get injured. I thought I was having a nightmare when I saw her turning into one of MUZANS demons so I know who killed my family he just gave me one more good reason to kill him. Nezuko started to attack me and then I grabbed my ax to stop her from biting me while saying
"Nezuko please, Don't turn into one of them come back to your senses and recognize it's me Tanjiro your older brother!"
As I said that she started crying and then at that point I knew she was back but before I could relax somebody with a sword went to try and kill nezuko so I pushed her lucky it only cut my hair then he backs up while saying
"Why do you protect her? She just tried to kill you in cold blood!"
Tanjiro says
"I protected her because she is my younger sister and it's my job to protect her!"
The stranger says
"Well kid I have to kill her before she kills anybody else"
Before I could react he was already holding nezuko and he stabbed her in her shoulder I picked up some rocks and threw one then ran behind a tree and threw another rock while throwing my ax ran from behind the tree and hid my hands so it looked like I was going to attack him then he hit me and I got knocked out. He saw the ax and dodged that distracted him and loosened his grip and she kicked him and ran to me and the man is surprised she protected me she starts attacking him but he did not cut her or kill her. He knocks her out while thinking
" I think these two will be different"
He leaves a note saying
"Go find this man his name is Sakonji Urokodaki he was the former Water hashira of the Demon slayer corps learn to use water breathing so you can hopefully kill them and gain more skills Goodluck I will see you soon hopefully and don't let your sister in sunlight unless you want her to die from burning - Tomioka Giyuu

this is my first chapter I hope you enjoy! I'm going to try and post two times a week hopefully if not only once a week but with a long chapter for you to enjoy and there will not be any cliffhangers I think I don't like them so I would not do that to my readers cya! The picture at the top is NOT mine

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