Missing girls mission

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I had arrived back at mister sakonji's place it was dark but I just realized even in pitch-black darkness I could see my younger sister Nezuko I started crying because she has been asleep for two years we started running to each other and I fell because of what happened in the fight with the demon that killed sabito she started hugging me and mister Sakonji came out and bugged us both with relief I came back alive. We all went back inside ate and then slept. A little while later the weird guy who made the sword came and gave me my sword. It turned black I asked what it meant but they did not tell me so I just went with it. Suddenly a crow started telling me that I had a mission in the north-west young girls were disappearing in a town. I got the news and started my way but before I went mister Sakonji gave me a box for nezuko to be in during the day I thanked him. Soon we got to the place where they were disappearing. Tanjiro saw a man named Kazumi and what he saw was ridiculous kazumi was beig thrown out at first I thought he did something that did not concern me but when i heard the conversation they all had i heard
"It's your fault that she disappeared! Go and find her now!"
After I heard that i know everything she was one of the victim of the demon that has been wandering around this town so i follow him and he was a witness to the demon taking a young girl i ran and grabbed her gave her to the young man trying to find the other young girl. The demon soon went to get the girl back but i blocked him he growled and then i saw another void thing show up behind the young man and then another on the wall next to me thanks to nezuko coming out of the box and kicking him i was saved and then we both start fighting

after the fight bc ya know i'm lazy and if your reading this then well you know how it goes down

The you man starts yelling at me after i tell him
"no matter the blows you have to keep going"
Then i give him the stash of the hairpins of the girls and he sees the young girls and says thank you and sorry for yelling. I start to leave to go to the next mission.

{I'm so lazy that i don't even know what to come up with adn i don't want to bore you all with a whole play by play of the whole series so imma do a skip to when tanjiro goes to the mountain where he fights Rui and sorry that his chapter is shorter than the others.           ~Love the Author

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