We meet again Mui and My boyfreind

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I woke up the next morning half awake half asleep and feeling drowsy I heard zenitsu screaming and inosuke trying to hit zenitsu I literally just wanted to shove myself in a hole and bury myself in the ground but then I remembered the master wanted me to try and visit Muichiro again after the very large fail last time I blush in embarrassment just recalling the memory but I get dressed and before I left I reprimanded inosuke to not hit nor fight zenitsu while I'm gone. I left the butterfly mansion up to muichiros home. I knock on the door and he answers I say hello he says to come in I walk in and take my shoes off to be kind and not ruin the floor of his house. we sit down and start talking I could have sworn my heart skipped a beat when he smiled when muichiro smiled I smiled back we kept talking and soon it was time for me to go I hold out my arms basically asking if he wanted a hug he was only 5 centimeters shorter than me he agreed to and came to hug me.


Tanjiro was about to leave before he left. He held his arms out asking if I wanted a hug. I agreed I kinda don't want him to leave and normally i keep my guard up but i felt safe and warm for one of the first times that i remember. I grip onto him tighter so he won't leave he said he had to go back to the butterfly mansion before i could realize he was about to shut the door and i screamed
"Can you stay here ill tell Kocho that your here!!"
Wait i remembered her name? Well forget that did i seriously say that but i was happy he agreed

Tanjiro pov

Muichiro said
"Can you stay here i'll tell Kocho that your here!!"
I was kinda shocked that he one remembered her name and asked me to stay but i agreed happily but then i remembered that i was supposed to mee Douma tonight ill just tell him i can't tanjiro says though his head
"Douma i can't come today or else i will get caught because i'm staying with muichiro tokito today"
Douma hears this he was with akaza at that moment and he was excited to see tanjiro today but he heard that and then was sad he says
"It's ok but when will we meet up because we need to know what to do"
I told Douma that ill meet him the next night Douma agrees then I starts getting ready for bed because they just ate dinner muichiro did not plan for me to stay so i just had to sleep next to him it made me blush a light pink tint then i finally realized i'm... In Love with Muichiro Tokito, my brain almost short circuited realizing my feelings oh god i kinda started panicking in my head and then thirty minutes later i saw he was asleep i kiss his forehead and said in a mumble hoping he does not hear me
"Mui i fell in love with you the first time we met with you and your beautiful clear ocean eyes but i don't have the confidence to tell you while your awake so this is the only way to get it off of my chest"
Then I went back to sleep.

Muichiros POV

I heard what tanjiro said and i felt him kiss my forehead i blush but it seemed he did not notice thank god but i felt the same even if i never knew what love is i feel like that's what i feel for tanjiro i'll just ask mitsuri the Love hashira i think that's what she was well still i need to ask her tomorrow

The next day i go to master he was kinda surprised to see me but he asks me what i needed i told him i need to find the love hasira to ask her a question he tells me where he lives and i knock on her front gate and obani answers with mitsuri they we also shocked i was there but still i ask to come in they agree she asked me what i needed i told her i have a question she asked what the question was i told her what does being in love feel like. Obani was frozen and mitsuri was freaking out with high pitch sounds then she calmed down and asked who it is i blush thinking of tanjiro she noticed and obani was still just shocked frozen i thought he was overreacting but i would feel the same if i heard that from somebody who can barely remember names but he came back to reality he also asked who it was i just sat there with blush on my face thinking this was a bad idea and now they know and they won't leave me alone till i tell them but i gave in and told them
"I think it's tanjiro..."
Obani and mitsuri said
"The boy with the demon sister?!"
I just nodded at their question they seemed shocked but happy that the young hashira found his crush and is now acting like a true teenager not an adult they both look at each other and are now thinking the same thing
"We need to ask tanjiro what he thinks!"
But they said that out loud so they quickly turned to muichiro and they said sorry we did not realize we said it aloud muichiro was beat red and they asked why i said only what tanjiro said Mitsuri  was freaking out once again saying i should tell him my feelings at that point i just fainted from embarrassment they started freaking out saying
"We broke him noooo"
But they put him in the spare bed they had

Mitsuris pov

After muichiro passed out we went to the butterfly mansion and found shinobu they asked if she could follow them saying
"I think i broke muichiro.."
Sinobu was worried and went with them telling Aoi she is in charge and to not kill anybody while she is gone they got back to Mitsuris place and shinobu went to check on muichiro she saw how red his face was she asked them what happened she explained all of the conversation every little detail was told she said he basically passed out from embarrassment so he would be awake in a few hours at most now that she knows she has to keep it a secret until tanjiro know that muichiro feels the same they said the plan was to have tanjiro come to muichiros place and then he confesses and then they are happy!

Tanjiro POV

It's now night time i get dressed and get going to the meeting spot to meet Douma i see him waiting and he tackles me to the ground happy and he asks why i was not meeting him yesterday i blush saying i was with Muichiro douma give me a stupid look and i could feel the dumb face givng off a "Ohh so thats what you were doing hehe"
I gave him the are you kidding me right now look i asked him to get off me he did so he said if he did that to muzan he would probably try to kill him but he can be calm and playful with the kind demon king Tanjiro he was relieved but they talked and then tanjiro had to leave before people got suspicious with him not being there he gets there and i start going to sleep but then i'm interrupted by shinobu i ask her what she needed but all she said was she needs me to go see muichiro he had gotten badly injured on a mission to kill a demon i ask if it was an upper moon demon she said no (In this au the upper moons are the top 5 One - Kokushibou,Two - Douma, Three - Akaza, Four - Hantengu, Five - Gyokko.)
I asked how bad he was injured she said he did not get injured that bad but it was still a pretty powerful demon for him i ask where he is she gave me directions and i rush in to see if he's ok he looks peaceful i walk over calmly not to wake him up but he wakes up anyways he looks at me he says my name i said i'm here he smiles and says at least i'm still alive but i have to tell you something tanjiro i ask him what he needs or what he has to say i was shocked at what i just heard he said
"I fell in love with you tanjiro kamado i hope you love me back"
I was still shocked and i turn around because i heard something it was Shinobu, Mitsuri and Obani i was confused why they were there but i saw the looks on there face i could already tell they knew that he liked me and oh no i blush because i realized he probably heard what i said that one night but i go to muichiro lift him up carefully and i laid down in the bed and then i put him on top of my and told him to sleep and i also said that i love him to he blushed and he fell asleep the three hashiras that were watching just freaked out silently i gave them the sign to be quiet then three hours later the sun finally rose muichiro woke up and i was still awake since i could not stop staring at my soon to be boyfriend Muichiro i asked him if he would go out with me i saw his face heat up a light pink as he said yes then i told he we needed to get up since i had a mission but i sat up and mui was on by lap how facing he i ask him for consent he nodded and i kiss him for a few minutes then he needed to breath so i hug him.


Me an Mui have been dating for a while and i've been going to missions i felt something bad was going to happen today and i was correct Akaza got found and uzui found him and i told him to just run not attack and he did that but he needed help since uzui was fast i tell mui that i have to go and i teleport behind uzui and knock him out before he saw me then i told akaza to run and of course i could not leave uzui so i teleport him and me to the masters house i say hello and ask where he lives or where can i put him he just says keep him here i'll come up with an excuse for you and for what happened i said thank you to him and went on with my day I was spying on the to see what happens the master saw uzui waking up he said to uzui welcome back from the mission Uzui says thank you and asks what happened the master said that the crow he has told him that another demon knocked you out and i sent somebody to go get you so you would not get hurt he nods and says i'll go now.

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