The sad suspicion and The truth and battle

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I'm worried about how people are getting highly suspicious of all the crazy things that are going on mostly uzui because he knew it would take a little bit for somebody to get him but the demons did not eat him. It's weird but they think they are going to fight muzan in a few months but when and if that happens it will reveal the secrets I keep hidden from my friends and Mui.. Mui I'm sorry for what you will find out. I hope you will still keep loving me no matter what happens or what I am. But i have not heard from the demons in my domain and i have not heard if rengoku is awake yet either ughh this is hurting my head. I headed to muis place and he let me in and i was stressed and he saw that he asked what was wrong with me and why i'm stressed. I could not tell him. I just said I was worrying about what my next mission is. That was a blatant lie but still I can't tell him yet and we both fell asleep.


I was hugging Mui from behind while he was on my lap then we both heard all of the crows going crazy then both of our crows came into muis place and told us Muzan was here Muzan Kibusuji was here Get your swords and get to where he is! We both grabbed out swords and headed to the place he made it night even it was day i knew that skill it was "Blinding Daylight Night" it was his special skill he learned while in special guard training because that's a skill to help blind opponents from seeing so you can attack but it's not fully mastered so it can only make the daytime night. Akaza told me he killed the lower moons and he won't replace them because they are too weak to him. The master asked what he wanted and why he's here. He does not answer, he only chuckles and he transforms to his form which is something my father gave him a few months before he betrayed us and our kind. The fight starts between demon slayers and demons but they were not that powerful i guess he told the Upper moons to stay low till his call a few hours later and everybody has gotten injured but nobody had died muzan noticed that the demons are dying not the demon slayer and then he called the upper moons Akaza looks at me worried because he does not want to hurt us and same with the others but since only the master knows but i almost hesitated with going forward everybody was confused why i went up i drew my sword and held it out everybody backed up unconsciously and now there is enough space to have the upper moons by me. I give them the signal to get by me they did that and the hashiras almost attacked but the master thankfully stopped them from moving and you know who had to open their mouth muzan he was confused why his upper moon demons would betray him for a demon slayer he said he will eventually kill you all so come back to me they all stay quiet and don't move because they have loyalty to tanjiro their lord their KING. The master moves up to tanjiro and asks if I am sure I want to reveal it. I nod to give confirmation I sent my killing intent towards Muzan and the other bad demons. I raised my sword and stuck it in the ground everybody was confused except for the people who knew what I was. My hair grew longer and i had to put it up in a ponytail people looked at me with awe in what's happening and then i grew a but taller now i'm about Giyuu's height now everybody was frozen in shock of how i changed so much but one person asked why i changed so much in a small amount of time i turn around and i have fangs like demons and the eyes of the demon king and long nails they knew when i turned around that i was a demon and i was not human. I was gonna teleport rengokus physical body back to the human world and he can fight as well. I had gotten a message that he was awake. They told him everything that I told them so he was calm about the situation. I teleported him to the battlegrounds everybody looked like they wanted to cry while seeing their friend and comrade alive and well he told them hello and he greeted me as well they all ran to rengoku hugging him they asked what happened and how he's alive because they got the announcement he was dead he explained everything in that amount of time he explained most of the demons were gone' since i teleported some of my best swordsman and fighters to help but since they know everything i will have to go back to my domain to rule plus i'll have to leave Mui he was the most shocked at this but he was happy that i'm doing this for humanity's sake in the end tanjiro got found out that he was the true demon king by blood and not by just calling yourself king plus muzan is now dead and the dother demons are burning i get my doctor to help they all get the wounds fixed and treated. I tell them my goodbyes before i left Mui ran to me and hugged me and he was crying telling me to stay but i had to tell him that i had to go i kiss him goodbye for a few minutes but i'll visit sometimes and it the flash of a moment i was gone plus all of my very helpful demos plus the upper moons then i was gone but only for a short amount of time.

ENJOY  chapter 10

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