Dificult times and the beautiful end FINAL CHAPTER

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It's been a few weeks i kept one of the demons in the human world to keep an eye on what going on and to report to me every week and everybody's mental states are Mui is not doing so well for himself since i left he refuses to eat and if he does it's not much i want to see him so bad but i know i can't because i have responsibilities to uphold in the demon realm i keep watching Mui thinking how cute and adorable he is and how small he is now compared to when i'm in human form. I want to hold him and hug him and tell him it's alright right now he must be heartbroken and how i have been gone for weeks but to me it felt like it was more than just a few weeks since i saw my beautiful ocean eyed baby. I call my smartest helper and ask him to run the domain for a while because imma go help the demon slayer corp he said he would thanked him and left for the human world it took a little longer to get there because my physical body was transported to the domain not just my mind. I got to the human world and i was in the middle of the Masters house and i heard talking oh hes in a meeting with the hashiras except Mui about what the next move it i kinda barged in saying hello but i did say sorry for dropping in unexpectedly but they were all happy it was just me and they were all shocked still how i grew alot and how i changed so much but i did not mind it i would be the same if i saw somebody who looked like one thing then changed drastically but shinobu realized that i was there but in a way where they can get Mui out so we're gonna plan a surprise for him and tanjiro is his present the all put tanjiro in a box and called Muichiro so he could see the surprise he got there eventually but they told him to open the box and he did and tanjiro was there tanjiro was told to say surprise to him he did and he stepped out the box muichiro stepped back to give him room and Mui was crying i help my arms out waiting for my hug and he ran and jumped on tanjiro he fell to the floor and they just hugged and they all left the room with weird looks on their faces but we just cuddled while he was crying and i felt bad for leaving and i told him that but he said
"Shut up Baka! I'm just happy you're back so your stuck with me till you have to go back"
I told him ok and we just sat there together we soon got up but he did not want to get up so i carried him bridal style he was red but then again i did not care because he's mine and i'm his we go to his house to eat i make him something since he had not ate much since the battle with muzan we ate and we both went to bed he forced me to sleep with him but i did not mind he said he felt safe and warm when he was with me he wants to stay with me forever. I was about to go to sleep and then i got a crow call that a demon was running around causing a lot of trouble eating humans i told the demon who was in the human world to take care of it before i get angry i said that while glaring a death glare he was scared so he took care of it quickly and hastily. Then i went to bed and made sure Mui was still asleep he was and i kissed him on the forehead and went to sleep after mumbling
"I love you..."
The next morning I woke up and so did muichiro to giggles and cheeky laughter. It was some of the hashras and.. MASTER what the heck even him?! I told them to leave they all said no because this was cute i forcefully close the door in their faces they open the door with stupid faces and i get up carrying Mui he was stiring awake soon enought he was awake since he could smell the food i was making he asked what it was and i told him we ate then got dressed and headed down i went to see inosuke and zenitsu tince they were not their for the battle i said hello and they looked shocked frozen but i just left and went under a cherry tree with Mui i sat down and put him in my lap and i put my head in his neck nook he could feel my breat on his neck he shivered and i just leaned on him i actually almost fell asleep on him but lucky i did not he probably would have been uncomforable with my heavy self heh but i love Mui a lot hes my world if anybody hurts my world they will get the pain 100 folds. Mui finally speaks and he says he loves me and wishes I would not leave at all. I almost felt my heart break after hearing that but i told him that i wish i could stay as well we stayed like that for a while we went back but what we did not expect is that a while group of semi powerful demons attacking wanting to avenge their late master Muzan it seems they were preparing for this for a while but i just shielded everybody from the attacks since they can't heal as good nor can heal like me i had fought with one and the others fought with the others soon after they were all gone except the boss i asked him why he did this he told me that he wanted to avenge his master muzan i kinda assumed that but still. The fight ended and everybody went back to doing what they were going i grab Mui and carry him he asked what i was doing i dd not answer his question but i just took him to his how laid down on the bed and i made him lay with me he did not mnd and i was happy about that. In the end i knew i wanted to stay with Muichiro Tokito forever...

I hope you enjoyed this final chapter of the story "The True Demon king" I enjoyed making this please tell me in the comments if i should do an epilogue oneshot for what had happened after and how they both had developed relationship wise thanks for reading I may be making another story for Yuri on ice maybe.

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