Chapter 18

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Noah POV:

"You like this buddy," I told Knox as he slowly drifted off to sleep. "I didn't think you were going to like this," I added. "He already fell asleep." Dixie laughed walking into the kitchen with a towel and I guess baby soap. "For somebody in a kitchen sink, you're very happy." She said in a baby voice. "Are you sure this water isn't too hot?" I asked "It's ok. He would be crying if it wasn't." She told me.

Dixie washed his body while I held him up as we didn't have a baby bath. He was generally fine with it except for when we had to wash his back. I washed his hair while Dixie ran into the bedroom to grab a diaper and blanket. It was incredibly nerve-wracking to wash his hair as he has a lot of it, and the last thing I wanted was to get soap in his eyes.

He started to fuss as I took him out of the sink. "Shh shh shh." I shushed as I dried him off in a hooded towel. "You liked that bath didn't you," I told him while I carried him into our bedroom. "Here I'll take him. Go make a 2-ounce bottle. With the Dr Brown bottle." She told me "Wait are we going to try again?" I asked "Yeah I have a doctor's appointment soon remember," she told me. "Oh yeah. I'll go do that." I told her as I walked into the kitchen.

I got a bag of frozen milk out of the freezer. We had a lot stored up. As Dixie is a dairy cow. But Knox has been refusing to take a bottle, which was hard on dixie. Commonly, a breastfed baby will refuse a bottle. But uncommon that a newborn won't. My mom told us that it could be because we were offering them when he wasn't necessarily hungry or he did not like this specific brand.

He doesn't really have any other choice but to take one though as with the way our job works. He will almost certainly have a good amount of time spent with out immediate access to the boobs. I know bud it's rough.

We have only left our apartment since he came home to go over to her parent's house and to take him to the pediatrician. My sister Haley still had not met him as she took a job in Kentucky a few weeks before he was born and was not allowed to leave the state due to the nature of her job. But my parents and other sister Tatum came down for a few days to meet him. But they couldn't spend that much time with him as they all had to go back. Nobody warned me how difficult not having help with a Newborn would be. He eats every 2 hours because he is a preemie and needs to bulk up, he will only  stay happy if he's with us or in a or swing. He's so worth it though.

When we found out that Dixie was pregnant. I was beyond scared. We were 18 and 19, had only been together for less than a month, did not live together, and we both had no experience with babies. We didn't know if we wanted to abort or not. If we should just get rid of this mistake and move on we could always have another one. Even after we decided to keep him. There were times along the way where I thought that this isn't worth it. I can't do this. When Dixie was pushing and I saw the amount of pain and stress she was in. Tearing all the way down, and bleeding heavily.

Crying asking them if everything is ok. As the nurses avoided the question knowing that damn well if she didn't get the blog clotting shot this situation could be very different. I told my self you asshole, your girlfriend could die doing this because you wanted this baby, you put her in this pain. It's all your fault. But after 8 months of pregnancy. 5 hours of labor. 20 minutes of pushing. A 3rd-degree tear. Once the doctor lifted Knox. Screaming crying. Covered in blood and vernix. And placed him on Dixie's chest and I cut the cord. It was worth it. As soon as that itty bitty naked baby was placed on my chest relying on me for comfort I knew it was all worth it.

Dixie POV:

"mwah mwah mwah," Noah said as he kissed Knox's face while he was lying on the bed while I was halfway through putting lotion on him. "Is it just me or is this newborn smell addicting?" I giggled. "oh no, it's amazing." he laughed "yawn, big yawn." I cooed as he yawned while I changed him. He was starting to cry as Noah screwed the top on his bottle him along with moving his fist to his mouth and turning his head around. "Babe he needs to eat," I told Noah as he placed him down in his arms. "Yeah yeah, it's coming it's coming," Noah told Knox while he screamed in his arms. He offered the bottle to Knox pace feeding as the nurses showed us. "You want it. Oh oh, there you go. There you go, buddy." I told him as he hesitantly latched on to the nipple. "He's giving me the evil eye" I laughed. "He's like why can't I have the real boob mom it's right there!" He whispered laughed.

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