Chapter 19

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Dixie POV:

"We're not having another baby for at least 5 years," I told Noah strongly. "But don't you want our kids to have a close age gap?" He asked "No! I don't want to have to chase a 2-year-old around 9 months pregnant. And remember we are nineteen years old. We have our hands full with a 6 week old right now. Do you want to be changing twice as many diapers as we do now? Also. We are having a conversation about birth control. And it's 9 in the morning and the baby didn't sleep at all last night. THIS is why we are here talking about what we can do so I DO NOT get pregnant as a teenager again. " explained. He remained silent as he knew that I was completely right.

"Ok, I surrender you're right. So you're on the depo shot. How effective is that?" He asked. "98% but about 6 to 12 pregnancies occur from every 100 users."  I explained, "Those odds are bad." He groaned "Yeah I know. But the pill doesn't work for me...As we know. And I'm allergic to something in the IUD." I heaved. "Let's just keep up with the shot and hope for the best." "I would say good plan. But not a good plan." I chuckled.

"Knox is up," Noah announced. "It's been like 5 minutes. Oh whatever I'll get him." I told Him as I walked to his room. "Hey, bubbas, whatever happened to Nap time? Whatever happened to that." I told him while patting his back. "We have a big afternoon today. We get to go to the studio for a little bit. So mommy can record. And you get to meet some of my friends. But we need to sleep ok." I added while I let him nurse himself to sleep, while I stroked his hair.

He doesn't look particularly more like one of us than another. He for sure has the Damelio jawline and the dark brown blackish, thick hair. However his smile man. He's all Noah there. The same goes for the thing with eyes but they will probably change colors. People tell us that he looks like Young Sheldon. Which...I can see hahaha. This boy, besides being born at just under 6 pounds, is huge. He now ways about 10 lbs and finally out of newborn clothes. This is crazy because I'm technically supposed to give birth to him last week. Because he was 5 weeks early. But I cannot imagine pushing this kid out.

His being small didn't stop me from tearing during birth. I'm fully recovered from that. Bleeding, infection, stitches. All gone. I haven't gotten my period back yet, not worried though because I am breastfeeding and that is a reason for me not having it. Along with the fact that I am on birth control and Noah and I have been VERY careful.

Knox is such a loving, clingy baby that it does get really tiring. All hopes of him sleeping in a bassinet or crib have been lost. But I don't mind that because I don't feel comfortable with him in the crib anyway. He's just has held, he needs to feel safe in one of his parents' arms. He is also in the middle of a growth spurt and it feels like he is always on my boob and never sleeping. That is common for 1-month-olds but I just hope it gets better soon. I love him so much though. I gladly stay awake all night nursing him if it makes him feel better.

Knox slowly fell asleep. Releasing his latch. I said my bra up and slowly stood up. Being careful not to wake him, I walked back into our bedroom and placed him down slowly on our bed right into his snuggle my pillow. Which is where he sleeps at night.

I walked out of the bedroom slowly turning on the baby monitor. Quickly grabbing my laptop so I could do some work while he slept. "You got him down?!" Noah asked "Yep, down for the count." I said while waving my fist in the air. "So are you still going to take him to the studio tonight?" Noah asked "that's the plan. I think he's going stir crazy." I told Noah while putting my pump on my boob. "I think he's just crazy. Your the one going stir crazy." He chuckled "You know...your the one who had a full conversation with a 6 week old about politics last night." I laughed back at him. "You know Knox is very interested in the Paris climate agreement."  He told me. "Yep." I laughed sarcastically

Noah left as he had had to go film today. He wanted to bring Knox with him but I shut that down. He does not need to be at the Dog Pound. Noah and I have taken him to the triller compound or the hype house and that was fine. But the dog pound is just too much. , by the nature of ours. I don't even know what is not too much. We are both able to mainly work from home and mostly make our schedules. Which makes things so much easier. However, we both have to go do stuff outside of our apartment. The iconic Switch Off is usually how we do it but it's nice to take him to the gym,  the studio, or on set some days. People love him. And he mainly just sleeps in his car seat in an office somewhere. So work hasn't been much of a problem so far. But to be fair we just started working again about 2 to 3 weeks ago. Getting a Babysitter was considered, it just wasn't the best way for us. Noah and I trust about 5 different people to watch him.

Once I was done with some work. I packed up my backpack with a spare outfit and some diapers etc. Then I slowly crept back into the bedroom to grab some clothes to change Knox into and to check in on the baby who had been sleeping for about an hour now. I noticed that he had broken 1 arm out of his swaddle and was laying there with his eyes barely open. "Hi Knox, hey buddy," I said softly as I walked over. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. Dropping his paci out of his mouth. Did you have a good sleep?" I awed while picking him up. "Yeah, you did. Let's go take a shower. Then we can go to the studio. Meet some of my friends. We're going to have so much fun." I told him as I kissed his cheek.

We generally took shower with Knox with the other person. Or even in the shower with me.  As he is still so young and little that he gets upset and cries if he can't see us for a while. I tried putting him in the baby bouncer facing the shower. Which worked for a little bit. But in a classic Knox fashion, he got scared. I took him in the shower with me and placed him on the bath seat. He sat in the water under a washcloth to keep him warm.

Once I was done and after I dried off I picked Knox up and wrapped him in a towel. "Shh, Shh Shh" I shushed as he fussed after I picked him up. He loves the water but hates leaving it. And always cry's when we take him out. I've learned that a warm towel and his pacifier do the trick.

I got us both changed and dressed Knox holding us back by wanting to eat right before we left. Oh my god, I love him but he has the worst timing. Then he spit up all over my shirt and his face. I swear baby's are no joke.

After we all got cleaned up and I had texted Noah letting him know we were leaving. I made my way down the apartment building stairs. And into my Car. Car seat in arm and all. We were finally on the move.

"Hey Dixie. Hey buddy." Christian told us as I walked in. "Hi" I responded. "Can I take him from you?" He asked. "Of course, just watch his neck." I told him. "Hey Vincent. What's going on." He awed at him "it's Knox actually Vincent's the middle name." I laughed "Oh. Sorry bout that." He chuckled "Oh gosh your fine. The amount of times I've called him Noah or even Cali. I'm worse." I giggled "I bet. So are we recording or going back over lyrics today?" He asked me while pacing back and forth with Knox. "Let's just go over lyrics and logistics and stuff. As recording will probably go better when I'm not preoccupied with him." I explained. "K sounds good. Let's get cracking. Do you want the um.. baby." He told me as Knox was shaken up. "You know I'll just put him back in his car seat and slide his pacifier back in and we will be good." I said

Knox slept in the corner in his car seat for about 2 hours. Before waking up having to eat. I just fed him right then and there. Uncovered, nobody said anything. Not could they see anything it was all cool. He went right back to sleep after. Right when we finished up. I was so worried when I found out I was pregnant, about work. How was I going to manage it. Was I going to have to get a nanny. Would I keep all of my brand deals. I was sooo sacred. Now looking back. It was all silly. Everything is going to be just fine.

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