Chapter 8

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*Smut warning (I know you weren't expecting it but here ya go)

Dixie POV:

"I don't know Fletcher. She basically a different person. With all these pregnancy hormones." Noah joked  "That's not true." I assured him  "Again congratulations, but before you go I have one last question. Is it a boy or a girl." Fletcher asked
"A boy." Noah told him proudly as he climbed in the car. "Oh my goodness that is amazing. I wish you the best of luck." Fletcher told us. "Ok, bye Noah by Dixie." He added. We both said goodbye to him as we drove away

Finally 5 months into my pregnancy, we announced it. Shocking everyone, and breaking the Internet. Me and Noah were the center of attention the Internet for week. And while most of our fans supported us. We got a lot of hate. People saying that we are bad influences. And that we should be canceled because we're having a baby at 19. Which Noah will be 20 by the time he's born. And I will be 20 by the time he's 3 months. Lockdown had ended. But they were still strict restrictions so it was way easier to go out now. We ended up telling the rest of our friends about a month after we found out the sex. We got mixed reviews from all of them. And it took some longer to come around to the idea than others. But they eventually did. And they are now excited. Now the most hard and complicated person to tell was definitely Griffin. But thankfully Noah stood up and offered to do it. And he told him it. And according to Noah griffins happy for us and really doesn't care. I don't even know why I was worried about it we're on good terms.

As for me I have decided, that I am not that mom who loves being pregnant. This was not easy for me. Right as I finally started getting over the chronic morning sickness. I started having horrible back pain. Which I knew was going to happen eventually but I didn't think at 6 months. I just wrongfully assumed that it would be the last few weeks of my pregnancy before it started getting really uncomfortable. But this boy had other plans. He is measuring two weeks ahead. And weighs around 2 1/2 lbs. My boobs are also huge, and are so sore. My mom says that's good because it means I'm probably gonna produce milk. But it's a literally horrible.This kid is not going easy on me at all! His new favorite thing to do is kick me in my ribs, at every waking second. Which Noah told me yesterday that he is "grateful for" because He gets to feel him kick. Making me want to shove this child into him and make him feel it.

Me and Noah have decided and agreed on most things at this point. Like that he was going to sleep in our room for a few months, that we weren't going to circumcise, that I was going to try to breast-feed him, he will get all his vaccinations, and he can have a hyphenated last name. But the one thing that we have not been able to decide at all is a name. We've talked about it sooo much and have narrowed it down but we just simply can't pick one. And it wasn't even that we saw that differently on the names we are just so freaking indecisive.

This whole pregnancy is has just been Noah and I not making up  our minds. We already had a girl name picked out. Because we agreed on it and we kind of thought he was gonna be a girl. But he shocked everybody. Halley, (Noah's sister ) actually thought we were joking when we told her. Because both of our families had girls first. But I am so glad that he broke the chain.

We finally started to get some stuff for him. At this point we had a car seat and stroller base that was still in the box. Along with some just basic like soaps and diapers and random stuff like that. And I ordered the crib a few weeks ago. It's not supposed to arrive for another week. But I'm really not concerned about any nursery type stuff at this point. Because he will probably end up sleeping in a co sleeper in between us. I have had to refrain Noah from going crazy. Because he would have everything ready and set up tomorrow if I would let him. But we still have 3 1/2 months left.

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