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The next time Jimin woke up, the sun was already soaring high up in the sky. The blinds were closed, he knows it was Yoongi's doing to let him sleep for a little bit more. He tried to move his body a little making a sharp pain shoot up in his lower half. He suddenly flushes on remembering the events. He places his palm onto the right side of the bed only to feel an cold empty space.

Yoongi was not in the room, only him lying alone on the bed. The cold February air hit around his naked torso making him shiver in cold. He couldn't see himself right now but he's sure his body must be covered in hickeys and love bites, Yoongi sure loves marking his property.
He looks around for his clothes, only to find them lying on the farthest corner of the room.

It was too far for him so he grabbed Yoongi's oversized t-shirt that was thrown off onto the chair. The oversized t-shirt easily fall over upto his knees, covering his tiny frame as a whole. And the best part was that, it had his alpha's smell. The same scent that gets him intoxicated.

He decides to walk out like that, wearing nothing but the big t-shirt and a pair of boxers underneath. But the t-shirt easily covered them and it seemed like he was bare from the waist down.
He didn't even bothered combing his messy hairs that stick out like they've been charged. He let them all fall over his forehead, covering his eyes.

Yoongi was busy fixing breakfast for Jimin, planning to surprise Jimin with a breakfast in bed. Haru was strapped to his dad's chest. He would let out eventual whines demanding his father's attention making Yoongi to stop cooking for some time and make some faces to entertain the baby.

Jimin decides not to announce his presence in the room. He sat on the dining table and continued to look at the father and son duo with a whipped smile.
Yoongi really is a perfect father, and Haru is a perfect son.

Eventually Yoongi started to sing a nursery rhyme for Haru, falling into the rhythm his body moved accordingly. He turns around while dancing only to let out a loud yelp when he saw Jimin.

He places his hand over his racing heart, he was a bit shocked from seeing the figure appear suddenly in front of his eyes.
" I guess I startled you." He stood up from the chair and walked towards Yoongi.
" Morning baby. Did you sleep well ?" Jimin pressed a kiss on Haru's forhead.

Yoongi was distracted, very distracted. Jimin was standing in front of him wearing nothing but a t-shirt, on top of that it was His T-shirt. It looked so big on him, running down to engulf his whole form with it. His hairs sticking out of his head and some falling cutely over his forehead. The wide neckline exposed his collarbones to great extent, the red marks on Jimin's skin sit there proudly.

When he and Jimin lock eyes, the early morning events suddenly flashed before his eyes. Jimin's bare skin, the sound of skin slapping against each other, Jimin's high pitched moans and all the sweet , chaste kisses. Their first time together was indeed special.

" Jimin ah-" The door bell stopped him from completing his sentence. He groaned like a child on being cut in between.
" I'll go." Jimin presses a quick kiss on Yoongi's cheek before running to get the door. He fixes the t-shirt a bit before opening the door. He doesn't open it all the way, just enough to peek through.

" Yes ?" There's an old woman standing in front of him. She feels so familiar to him but he can't just pinpoint her identity. It's like he's suffering from temporarily memory loss.
" Is Yoongi home ?"  He opened the door wide to let her inside on hearing Yoongi's name.

She sits inside like she owns the house, her legs crossed elegantly in a criss cross manner and eyes scanning the room very discernibly.
She gave Jimin a smile on noticing how the poor boy has been staring at her. The smile was one of those kinds that you give to your acquaintance. That only made Jimin think hard about who she was.

" Do I know you ?" He may come out as a bit rude but it's just that he can't remember her...
" I'm sad you don't remember me Jimin ah." How does she knows his name ? Before Jimin could ask about anything more, Yoongi is entering in the living room with Haru.

" Mom ?"
'Oh...' Jimin thinks to himself. She's Yoongi's mother. Shit, how can he forget her.
" Mrs. Min." He bows in front of her. Feeling so embarrassed for not remembering her. It's not like he had forgotten about her, it's been several years since he has last seen her that's why it was hard to remember her.
Even her face looks totally different from before. She stood quite tall and slim before him, her short grey hair neat and styled. Even the old-age wrinkles are not able to make her sun-kissed skin glow any less.

" I'm glad you still remember me." She opens her arms wide for him to come and rest in them. And Jimin doesn't hesitate a bit before falling into them, just like the good old times.
He feels like he's reliving all his childhood memories. Yoongi's mom feels like a second home to him, so gentle and full of motherly love.

" My Jiminie is so grown up. Look at that pretty face of yours. You have became even more handsome than the last time." She tucks his messed up hairs behind his ears, stroking his head just like his own mother used to do.
" You look beautiful too."
" I know you're only saying that to flatter me." She laughs at the compliment, her laugh is just the same as years ago.

On the other side of room, Yoongi is panicking on seeing his mother. He may or may not have completely forgotten to tell his mother about Jimin and Haru. In his defence he was on the seventh sky and the thought just slipped of his head.
" Yoongi come - a baby ?" Her eyes finally lands on the baby resting in Yoongi's hold.
A single drop of sweat rolls down Yoongi's forehead.

Jimin looked at Yoongi wide eyed. There's no way he hadn't told her about him and Haru.
" Who's baby is that ?" She looks at Yoongi for answer. Her eyes continue to follow Yoongi's eyes that are looking at Jimin for any kind of help.

" Min Yoongi, I'm asking you something." There's anger in her voice. Yoongi couldn't help but just gulp down the saliva in nervousness. He was just too happy to have them in his life that he forgot to break the news to his family.

" He's my son." There's no good in lying now. He have to eventually tell her the truth someday, so why not now.
His mother has always been supportive of him and she even likes Jimin so much , so it shouldn't be that big of a issue right?

" That's a good joke, Yoongi ah." She slaps him on the back of his neck. Her hands dig in his neck when she saw the serious look in Yoongi's eyes.
" Mom, I'm serious. He's mine and Jimin's son." He don't have the courage to look into his mother's eyes.

" What do you mean by he's your son ?" Her voice gave him goosebumps.
" Jimin, you tell me." Jimin startles on hearing his name. It's just like when in highschool you're praying that the teacher wouldn't call your name but you're not the god's favourite child and she ends up calling your name.

" Hyung is telling the truth, Mrs. Min." He somehow managed to say even after his nervousness. He's secretly cursing Yoongi under his breath for being so heedless.

" I don't approve of this. He can't be your son Yoongi."
They were totally flummoxed by her sudden burst.
" But mom what's the problem ? You yourself said you liked Jimin." Yoongi can't wrap his head around the situation. His mother was the one who encouraged him to make a move on Jimin and now she's the one who says they can't be together.

" That was in the past Yoongi. I have already fixed your marriage and you can't say no now." Shock brings a quietness within, you can't even hear the sound of wind blowing in that awkward tranquillity.

" M-marriage ?"


The prequel to my new yoonmin story is out now, I'll start it after I'm finished with this one 🥺

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now