The Attack at U.A

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It was a sad rainy day in Mustafa, Japan, the location of the top hero school. Y/N was walking the halls of U.A rushing around to find his class. He was new to U.A, a transfer student from another hero school. Y/N accidentally bumped into someone and fell back, he looked up into the shy eyes of one of his new classmates, Tamaki Amajiki. 

"I'm sorry." they both said shyly. Tamaki Helped pick up his things, while shaking in fear. "I-its ok." they both said again. Y/N hurried off to his class quickly as Tamaki turned to follow, heading to class as well. Y/N was a shy, clumsy and interesting character to say the least. He was quiet and normally kept to himself. After a few minutes Y/N got to class and sat in a seat in the far back as the class 3-A teacher started teaching today's lesson. 

Y/N zoned out and started to doodle his crush from the other hero school he went to weeks before. But he could never talk to them, since he had bad anxiety and depression. Everyone he met told him he would never be a hero, they would bully him into doing things he didn't want to do, like stealing something small from a local store or painting graffiti on some wall. He told them that 'heroes don't treat others like this' but they didn't care and didn't stop. 

They threatened him with the things he cared about most, his rabbit and sister. He kept telling himself it was going to be ok and he would tell someone about what was happening, but he never could. He was afraid of being yelled at and blamed for this. It wasn't fair. He wanted them to endure the same pain they made him go through even though he was scared. 

But now he had nothing holding him back. His sister got caught in the crossfire of a fight that happened in the streets 6 months ago, and not long after that his precious rabbit died of old age. He was alone with so much anger and fear without anyone to blame. Y/N blamed himself for everything that happened, he put himself down and gave up in school. His quirk was almost useless and couldn't do much with it. All he could do was give others panic attacks and anxiety. 

Lightning flashed and thunder cracked outside the window and Y/N jumped at the sudden flash and sound, then looked down at the page in his sketchbook. "Y/N, can you please answer this question." the teacher asked looking right at him. Y/N flinched and looked up, he shook his head nervously scared he would be yelled at. "Then pay attention." The teacher responded. Y/N looked down again, feeling the eyes of his classmates on him. He wanted to run away, to hide, to get out of this place and find his freedom. He felt like crying, but held back the tears. There were more flashes of light outside, but no one noticed that the corner of the building caught on fire.

 It wasn't normal fire though it was blue flames the hottest flames currently known to exist. Despite the rain the flames spread quickly and the building was soon filled with smoke with risk of collapsing. The teachers quickly and efficiently ushered everyone outside. Being in the last class to get out the building the teacher of class 3-A helped his class through the building. Y/N nervously followed being in the back of the group. The exit started to collapse, pieces of wood started to fall from the ceiling. The class made it out just in time but Y/N was stuck inside behind the exit, no one seemed to notice and he was too scared to call out to them. He panicked and looked around for an escape. But instead he saw something that would change his life, for better or for worse.

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