Game on

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When Y\N woke up the next morning he heard a sharp knock at the door. He jumped at the sudden noise and fell off the bed. The person outside must have heard and stopped knocking and waited for the door to be opened. Y/N went over to the door after standing up.  When he saw who it was he froze in place not expecting it to be the leader of the villains. Y/N just watched him waiting for him to speak first. After a few minutes of awkward and uncomfortable silence, he finally spoke. “Hey...Y/N?” he asked. Y/N looked up at his face since he was looking at the floor when things got awkward. “Wanna….play some video games with me?” he asked. He hoped your answer was yes. He was a bit shy about asking Y/N to do something as simple as play video games. Y/N looked at him surprised since Toga said he didn't really play with them anymore. So what was so different about him.

              He noticed that Y/N didn’t answer right away and thought he would say no. “It's fine if you don’t don’t want to, just figured it would be something to do.” He said and started to walk away to his own room. “W-wait!” Y/N called out and he turned to face Y/N. “I-I’ll play with you.” He said and walked to him. Tomura gave a small smile, and Y/N smiled back a bit. Then they both walked to Tomura’s room which was surprisingly clean. “What game did you have in mind?” Y/N asked him. He looked over at Y/N. “Do you know portal?” He asked. “YES, I love that game.” Y/N said getting excited. Tomura smiled at him. “Great!” He put the game on and they played together for hours beating all the levels, and figuring out how to escape the lab.

               “Who do you think got me this game?” He asked while they played. “Kurogiri” Y/N said without hesitation. Tomura stopped and looked at him for a second. “How did you guess?” He asked. “It’s not that hard considering his quirk and the fact that he acts like the parental figure for you.” Y/N responded without taking his eyes off the game. “Oh you have to do this part” he says as Tomura was surprised at Y/N's great observing skills. He blushed lightly and went back to the game and his blush faded just as quickly as it came. 

              After a few more hours Y/N was getting tired and started to fall asleep. When he did, his head landed on Tomura’s shoulder. He looked obverse at him not even sure how to react. So he just waited for him to wake up again. He didn’t want to touch Y/N, or carry him back to his room. Yeah he held him during  the mission but that was extremely difficult because Y/N kept moving around, and he didn’t  need to pick him up. Tomura let him sleep and waited for him to wake up again. After about 2 hours Y/N finally woke up. He looked up a Tomura and quickly pushed away from him. “Ah, s-sorry!” He panicked. “It’s ok.” He responded as he watched him. “I-I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” He said quickly. Tomura smiled a bit. “It’s ok really.” He says. Y/N stood up. “I should get back to my room.” He says and leaves without another glance at Tomura. He was too embarrassed to face him at the moment. “Hey, wait-“ Tomura tried to call out to him, but he was already gone. 

           Tomura sighed and looked up to the ceiling thinking he did something wrong. The one time he tries to actually make a friend he leaves, just like everyone else. He thought back to everyone he lost, his family, friends who got killed, villains who got killed if he got too close. He didn’t  want anything bad to happen. Maybe he should just stay away from everyone. After all, the leader of the villains has everything he could need, and it's just a curse to everyone who’s around him.

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