Chapter 51

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👑 Mia 👑

"Mia? Is everything okay?' He asks.

"Yeah, I'm alright."

"Is he your fiancé?"

"That's not your business."

"Mia who's this?"

"He is your fiancé right. Well of course just like every other girl. A gold digger and nothing else. If I were you I would pay attention to her and your brother they seem to have a bond together. But in the end, she's using you for your money."

Out of nowhere, Chris punches Aiden right in the face even though he deserves it I need to break this up. "Chris please stop." I put my hand in his back and the other in his arm trying to pull him but he doesn't move. He continues to punch him. At least it's lunch break and no one is around.

"Chris really stop."I try again but nothing.

"Christopher stop. Let him go." A voice says and Chris stops.

"If you heard what he said to your fiancé you would join me. And what the hell my name's not Christopher and you know that."

"I do know that and I heard what he said. Still, let him go." He says and pulls out his handkerchief and gives it to Aiden.

Both Chris and I are shocked. We look at each other with a 'WHAT' look and we turn our heads back to Leon and Aiden. Leon stands tall while Aiden gets up and hands him his handkerchief. Leon takes it back and silence fills the room only when out of nowhere he punches Aiden and we are surprised.

"That's for kissing my fiancé and offending her. Apologies to her if you want your job."

"Your fiancé?" He looks at me scared. "I'm sorry for kissing you and offending you Mia."

"Now you are fired." he looks surprised and was about to speak when Leon interrupts him "Go and pack your things and don't say anything if you want to get another job in New York. I want you gone before I get back." And with that, he comes to my side and wraps his arm on my waist and lowers his head, and kisses me. I quickly kiss him back and I get too embarrassed to look at Aiden so I bury my face in his chest.

"Mon trésor both Chris and I are going out for lunch do you want to join us?"

"Actually I have to go and try on wedding dresses. I have to look my best, right?"

"Well pick some lingerie for the wedding night too." He says whispering in my ear and I blush hard.

"Well okay, you guys have fun I need to get going. Kisses bye." I blow air kisses to them and walk to my car. Yes, I have a car now. Well technically it's Leons car but he said that I can have it. He said that I should take the car cause if I need to go somewhere and he cannot drive me then I should have my own car. And I was expecting something small like a Mini Cooper or a fiat 500 in short words a small car but no he had to get me a Mercedes G-Wagon like his but the difference is that mine has a deep blue exterior and a red interior. I'm grateful but why would he buy me a really expensive car that after a year I would have to give back. Well either way I put on the address that Nina texted me and I drive off.


I park my car in front of the store and I see the rest of my bridal party at the entrance. I get my bag and turn the engine off and hop out. They don't see me walking to them so I sneak behind Nessa.

"Boo" and she jumps but quickly turning around to hit me.

"Don't hit me. I need this pretty face."

"Then don't scare me but you're right you need this pretty face cause without it Leon would be stuck with a boring person." I'm sure that people around us think that she's being mean but it just a game we play, no hard feelings.

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