Chapter 62

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👑 Mia 👑


I need air. How can this be? I'm sure it's all a dream. She's not here, she's not here. Mia try breathing...




I hear mumbling. I can't make out their words. I need to get out of here. "If you'll excuse me I need to go. It was nice meeting, you Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez." I say and walk away to Vanessa without hearing their response or seeing my moms face.

I spot her on the dance floor with a random guy. I tap on the shoulder. She turns to me and stops. "Mia are you okay?"
"Nessa I need to get out of here. Please help." She understands that I'm having a panic attack and not breathing right. She takes my hand and we walk as fast as possible. We run up the stairs to my room. The moment we got in the room I break down.

Vanessa looks at me terrified. "Mimi please tell me so I can help you." I try but nothing. I can't breathe. I try but nothing Nessa understands me she takes my hand and brings me to the window. The cold fresh air helps me a little but the cries don't stop. "Nessa she's here." I mumble through my tears. "Mia who's here?" I try but nothing. "My mom" and my tears don't stop they double. "Oh, Mimi. Come here." She hugs me tight just what I need right now.  I cry into her chest I'm sure my makeup is ruined.

The door opens and someone comes in. "How did you find us?"
"It took a little but I heard your voices. Principessa come here." He opens his arms and I go and hug him. They both know how to relax me. Vanessa runs somewhere "Principessa let's try breathing together. I'm going to count to three and we are going to hold our breath. Okay." I shake my head. "Okay. 1...2...3... hold...let it out. Once again 1...2...3...hold...let it out." We do that a couple of times and I calm a little. Vanessa comes in and gives me sour patch kids. She knows sour stuff helps me with my panic attacks. "Liam can you get her some water. I have her medicine but I forgot the water." He nods and walks away. "Mia let's get you out of this dress. It will help you I promise." And it helps a lot. I put on my pyjamas and hop to bed.

Liam walks into the room with a bottle of water he hands it to me. Vanessa hands me my pills. I take them and drink some water. "Principessa what happened?" The door opens and I see a terrified Leon walk in. He comes to my side and sits next to me.
"Mia, what happened to you?" I don't care I need him right now. "Please hug me." I mumble but he hears me. We hug and he kisses my head. I inhale his cologne luckily I'm not crying anymore. I'm just trying to fix my breath. "Vanessa, what happened?" He asks.

"I don't know if it's my place to tell you. She'll tell you later." She sits at the end of our bed. "Principessa let him go. Leon needs to get back to the party. I'm here for you."

I try moving but Leon holds me tight. To be honest I don't want him to go back. I want him to be here. "Mia needs me more and she's more important. You can go back to the party."

"I'm sorry but this is a little off. She's your PA and I'm her best friend. We know her better than anyone. She needs us. Tell him, Nessa." Liam says.

"Liam let them be."

"I'm sorry" Leon whispers in my ear. "Actually I'm her finacé so I'm going to stay here. And if she needs anything else she has her other best friend Vanessa here. So I'm going to ask you. Can you go back to the party?"

"Fiancé what? Mia? Vanessa?"

"Please stop." I whisper but he doesn't hear me. "She's not going to marry you. I know her and she wouldn't do it. Vanessa tell him." Says Liam. I don't understand why he's making such a big deal. "Liam now is not the moment but they are getting married." 

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