Chapter 38

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👑 Mia 👑

"I have an idea. How about we continue this silly thing until the end and we both get what we want. We act like we don't know how Nana tricked us and when we are around her try to look like we are in love."

"Wow, what a fantastic idea! I'm very curious about how you became a billionaire." I laugh.

"Well it's been a long time since I had to think about relationships or finding a way to make my fake marriage work for a year." He looks at me and smiles. I love his smile even though I've seen it one or two times before. 'So you love his smile huh?' shut up brain. I smile back at him.

"Let's go back to the house cause I can see you shivering and we can talk in my office." He says and we both get back to the car. He pushes some buttons and after some seconds I feel my seat getting warmer and I get comfortable. I look at him to thank him but he looks deep into his thoughts so I let it go.

After maybe an hour and a half or two we arrive home. He parked the car and we both walked inside. "Would you like to change before we talk or are we going straight to the point?"

"Actually I would love to get out of this dress and especially from these heels. I don't know how models do it."

"Ok then meet me at my office when you finish doing your thing."

I take off my heels and walk to my room barefoot. I close the door behind me and walk to my closet, finding something comfortable to wear cause I feel like we will be talking for some time. I take my makeup off and put on my fluffy slippers. I arrive at his office and knock on the door. I hear him talking so I walk in.

He was working on his computer wearing a simple shirt and some grey sweats. I sit at the chair in front of him. He looks up from his computer and closes it, leaning to his chair. And for what felt like minutes we came up with some rules for both of us.

1.We now have to fake being in love in front of his grandma or act like we are falling slowly.
2.I have to attend every event and be supportive.
3.We only have to kiss infront of people's eyes or if we know someone is looking at us but not alone.
4.Both of us won't have any other relationships for a year.
5.We won't tell anyone that this relationship is fake.

I asked if I can go to collage and work as his PA at the same time and weirdly he accepted and said that he would help me get into a good school. And I decided to study hotel management cause maybe it will help me someday. And also I will need it for the job I'm doing. So it's a win win. We decided that I will go to school and cause I will finish early I will drive to the company and help Leon there as his PA.

I know that I can do this. I feel confident about my decision. Now I'm in my bed, smiling. I know that I should be a little sad that I was tricked but I'm happy that me and Leon finally had a conversation without yelling, being interrupted by kisses or by Chris. And I am most exited about going to collage. I can't wait to start. With that excitement I fall asleep.


Bang bang bang

Make it stop! Who is even making this noise! Don't they know that it's early in the morning and I need all the sleep that I can get.


It's still going and I think it's coming from my bedroom door. I get up and walk to it and who to see. Non other than Collin. As I was about to speak he comes into my room and walks to my closet. I follow him rendered speechless. When I get in my closet he speaks.

"Why you looking at me like that? Chop chop, we are already late cause your lazy ass wouldn't wake up. Now listen to me. Go finish your morning routine and after that come here for hair, makeup and of course styling." He says.

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