Chapter 5

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👑 Mia 👑

I finally finish my job and I'm super tired and ready to sleep. I imagine my small mattress on the floor calling my name. I open the door and hear my mother screaming. I drop everything and run to my mom. She's laying on the floor holding her belly.


"Call a cab quickly" and that's what I did. I help her get up and we slowly get inside the car. We finally arrive to the hospital and I run inside to get some nurses.

"Help please my mother."I say crying.

A nurse comes directly at me with a wheelchair "Where's your mother?"

"This way." And we ran to my mother and some other nurses joined us. They picked her up and wheeled her into the emergency room.

"Sweetie you cannot go in there. Please wait here, I promise that we'll take care of her and her baby."

"Can you at least tell me know what's going to happen to her."

"Right we know know what you know. But when I find out I'll tell you. Now please stay here."she says and runs inside the room.

A few hours passed and I still know nothing. No one came out of the room so I better find out by myself. I get up and walk to the front desk.

"Hello, my mother came in labor and some nurses took her I don't know where so could you tell me how is she?"

"Could you please give me her name and surname so I can check."

"Carol White (Marks surname my mother changed it when they got married)"

"Carol White.... ahh yes she is in the operating room for an emergency C-section."

"I'm sorry what?"

"Yes she's having a C-section because the baby's head is not in position and your mother has been in labor for a long time, so she needed a C-section right away."

"Okay thank you very much. Please could you tell one of the nurses to come tell me when she's in her room?"

"Yes of course no worries " the said smiling at me.

After 2 and a half hours....

I was woken up by a nurse telling me that my mother is in her room. So I get up and stretch. I would not recommend sleeping in a hospital chair.

I arrive at my mother's room and I see a little baby boy in her arms. She's smiling and singing to him as he slept.

"Hi mom. How are you?"

"I've been better" she said smiling at me. The doctor came in the room with some nurses. While the doctor checked my mother the nurses took my baby brother to get him checked and changed.

It's 6:30am and I had only 2 hours of sleep. I need to get ready for my morning job. But I was far from my house and coffee shop so who better to call than the early bird Liam.

I opened my phone and dial Liam.

"Good morning principessa what do I owe this morning call from you?"

" Good morning to you too. So I need a favor."

"I'm listening..."

I told him everything that happened after I got home from work until now.

"So can you please come get me I'm already late."

"Yeah I'm on my way text me the address but you owe me a large cup of coffee."

"Sir, yes, sir" I said and heard laughing in the background.

I say bye to mum and my little brother then I got in the car with Liam and drove of to the coffee shop.

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Until next time xoxo,

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