Chapter 9

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👑 Mia 👑
"Mia these are my nephews Chris and Leon"

They turn to greet me.

Holy mother of God its them...

"Hi nice to meet you. My name is Mia." I say.

"Mia I didn't know that you worked here." Chris said.

"You know each other?" Mrs. King says.

"Yes we work at the same bar." I say.

"You Work?! Where?" Mrs. King asked Chris.

"Sometimes and at my bar." He says.

HIS BAR! So i work at his bar. And I thought that he was working to earn money. No wait not what I thought that's what he told me. I guess that's why he wasn't so nice with the other bartenders.

"Ok sorry Mia, but we have to go to my granddaughters bridal shower." Mrs. King says.

"Oh of course I don't want you to be late. Have a nice day Mrs. King." I say

"Bye dear."she says.

"Bye Mia see you on Friday." Chris says.

"Bye Chris"

They all left. I didn't understand why Chris's brother didn't speak at all I guess he was busy looking at his phone the entire time but ok.

Walking towards Nessa's car I saw her telling me to walk faster so I did.

"Hey sorry I didn't walk fast enough."I say.

"OMG was that Leon and Chris King????" Nessa asked screaming.

"First of all stop screaming, second yes that was Chris and Leon King."

"Do you know who they are?" She asks.

"Yes, they are Mrs. Kings grandsons."

"Seriously Mia. They are not only Mrs. Kings grandsons but they were listed as Forbes hottest bachelor. And Leon as Forbes one of the youngest billionaires." She says.

"Ok because they're on the Forbes list doesn't mean that all the people in the world should know that." I say.

"Ok but what were they like I mean in person?"

"They were fine but Leon was cold he didn't say anything to me. By the way I found out that I'm working in Chris's new nightclub."

"OMG YOU WORK FOR CHRIS KING 😱😱😱" she screamed at me.

"Yes I do. Hey I thought you needed to go furniture shopping." I said to her.

"Oh don't worry about that because I'm almost done and most of the things I need I can find them on the internet. OK sooo do you like to get something to eat? My treat."

"Ok let's go to McDonald then." I say

"Ok then." She says.

After a few hours later....
After we finished eating I asked Nessa to drop me off at the hospital, so I could visit my mom.

Nessa just left because she had something to do. But honestly I think that she doesn't want to see my mom because she doesn't like the way they treat me. So if she comes and sees her then she won't control herself.

Walking towards my mom's room I saw that the hallway was quite empty but I thought maybe the doctors and nurses are in the room.

I knocked on the door but no answer. I knocked again but still no answer. I went inside the room but no one was there even the bed was perfect like no one stayed there.

So I ran to the reception to ask for my mom .

"Hello I'm sorry but I need to ask were did my mother go?"

"Can you give me her name so I can check?" The receptionist said.

"Carol White."

"Your mother has been released. It's written her that she ordered the doctors to let her go."

"Ok thank you. Goodbye" I say

Maybe she went home. What am I talking about were else would she go with a newborn baby.

So tonight is my day off from the nightclub so i just went home so I can check for my mom and little brother.

I arrived home and I don't know why but I had a very bad feeling in my guts but I thought that was just from my mom missing from the hospital.

"Oh so you finally decided to come home" I heard a voice say to me. Guess who it is..

No other than the drunk Mark sitting on the couch. I wonder why is he so early in. He comes home from the clubs in the morning I guess today is my "lucky day".

"Where is your shitty mother at?" he says continuing drinking.

"I thought she was here." I say.

" Bring me the letter that is on the table."

"Ok"I gave him the later and went to my bedroom. I saw that most of my mother clothes were gone. (We're that poor, so we share one closet together) I immediately looked for our one and only suitcase. That was gone.
At that moment it hit me.
She escaped for a better life....

To be continued....

I hope you like the story😊.

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Until next time xoxo,

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