Chapter 23

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🏆 Leon 🏆

After I got home I couldn't stop thinking about her so I got into the shower but still I couldn't get her out of my head.

After the shower I put some shorts on went to the kitchen to make a smoothie. Sitting at the table I opened the laptop and answered some new emails.

After some hours my phone started to ring and it was one of my employees.

"Morning Sir sorry to bother you but something happened with one of the investors of the new project."


"One of them doesn't want to take part anymore."


"Actually sir.... he said that he didn't believe that the project would do well."

"What's his name?"

"It's Jacob sir."

"That pice of shit. I had a thought that he would quit. Okay then find another investor. If you don't you're fired. Bye."

After that I was about to throw my phone to the wall when at that moment it rang.


"That's not how you talk to your grandma."

"Sorry I didn't see who was calling. I'm just stressed with work."

"Ok dear now can you come to the coffee house I need to tell you something."

"Can it wait I'm going to the gym."

"No it cannot wait. See you in about 30 minutes."

"Ok grandma see you in 30 minutes."

I went to my room to change and after that I took my Audi car keys and drove off. After 20 minutes I got there. As I walked towards my grandma's office I feel people looking at me and talking with each other but I never care about people who just stare.

"Grandma I'm here now so can you start with the important thing you had to tell me."

"Ok first of all don't talk to me in that tone Mister"

"Ok I'm sorry can you please tell me the important thing."

"Okay so you promise that you won't yell about anything that I say + you will be happy that I did this."

"Yeah okay."

"That's not a promise."

"Okay then pfff I promise you that I won't yell about anything. Now can you start please."

"Okay then so you want the long version or the short one."

"Just say it already."

"You're getting angry."

"No I'm not getting angry."

"Not true."

"Ok if you don't say what you have to say then ILL GET ANGRY OK"

"You are getting married."

" I'm sorry WHAT?"

"You're getting married"

"No, thanks."

"I'm sorry but did it look like I was asking for your opinion. I said that YOU are getting married." She said pointing towards me.

"No I'm not getting married I don't even have a girlfriend or even want one." (Except one but that's for the future😉)

"Look Leon for the last time you are getting married and I chose the bride. The bride already knows it and she's on her way to sign the papers."

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