Chapter 39

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👑 Mia 👑

"Cause only one guy has my heart and his name is mmm but why should I tell you that." I say and he looks at me surprised by my answer.

"What do you mean by that? You won't tell your fiancé who's the guy that owns your heart?" He asked with a smirk. I wonder what's he's thinking.

"Nope.' And I pop the p.

"Well then you leave no choice." And he tickles me.

"Leon stop please." I laugh

"Not until you drop his name."


"I guess tickling it's still on then." And he continues.

I guess I should pull out an uno card and tickle him back. So that's what I did and guess I found his ticklish spot but that made him fall on the floor and took me down with him. If anyone would walk in right now we would look so happy together. He never stopped tickling so I never stoped either. Laughter filled the room and we both forgot for a minute or two about our problems. We got tired of tickling each other so I just lay next to him on the floor and we just stare at the ceiling until we calmed down.

"His name was Lucas Miller. My favourite person in the whole world. My heart was always and will always be own by him. Until I'll meet my future husband and kids my heart will be only for him." I say and turn my head to him but he's already looking at me. I smile a little to him and he returns it.

"If you don't mind me asking but I've only heard about your dad but never about your mum?" He says. I take a deep breath but was interrupted by the door opening. He gets up quickly and helps me get up. And who else then Hailey is standing at the door looking at us.

"I'm sorry but did I call you in here?"asks Leon

"No sir but I...."

"Well then I better say this now cause your attitude won't get you anywhere. Well first I will give you one more chance only cause I want you to do something for my fiancé here. And it's really surprising that you got the same exact engagement ring that I bought the morning that we announced our engagement. So if you tell anyone and or even bother my fiancé I will make sure that you won't get another job in New York but I can make it in America so I would be careful if I were you. And just so you know don't ever I mean ever walk into my office if I don't ask for you to come in. Now go." He says firmly and I could see tears in Hailey's eyes but she closes the door before they travel down her cheeks. I turn to Leon surprised that he told her about our engagement but the most shocking thing is that he knew about the bet she made.

" did you know?"

"Like I said know nothing about relationships but for business you're talking to a CEO here."he says winking and I laugh.

"Well I didn't tell you that she has the same ring or even that she's telling people that she's your fiancé. So how did you found out?"

"Like I said I'm a business man and business man don't reveal their secrets. Now you better go and finish your work."he said and I walked to the door.

"Oh before I forget after work I'm going out with a friend. So now that you know bye." I say and quickly close the door before he could respond.


Finally the day came to an end and I was getting ready to go out when I heard a knock on my door. I turn and look at the door as I was opened now. Aiden was standing at my door smiling at me.

"Hey just let me get my bag and we can go." I put a file that I'm going to work at home in my bag and walk to the elevator with Aiden who's on the phone.

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