Chapter 40

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🏆 Leon 🏆

Just another day at the office Hailey trying too look so hard like my fiancé. Or better said like Mia in that photo, that I posted on Instagram. Well what can I do? A knock was heard on my door and Hailey opens it.

"Sir, Mrs. King is here."

"Ok tell her to come inside" she nodded and my mum walked in with a girl I've never seen before. By the looks of it she's undressing me with her eyes if I was my old self for sure she would be one of my one night stands but now I feel nothing towards her. Plus I promised Mia not to cheat on her. Why do I have this weird feeling in my stomach I hope I'm not sick or something. They both sit to the armchairs in front of me. She's flirting with me with her eyes doesn't she know that I'm engaged.

"Hello mum how can I help you today? But please be quick I have a lot of work to do."

"Well sweetheart this is Nina and she will be your wedding planner. But can you call Mia so she can meet her too?"

I pick up my phone and dial Mia.

"Yes Mr. King?"I hear her angel voice.

"Love can you come here for a minute?"and I hope she understands that someone from the family is here.

"Yes I'll be there right now." she always grabs my attention when she walks in a room. Especially the day of the gala I don't know how I controlled myself but even today the outfit that highlights every curve on this woman's body. I'm sure she must be an angel. I quickly sign her to come here and I make her seat on my lap. Don't ask me why cause I don't even know. I move closer to her ear maybe cause I love how she reacts when I'm close to her.

"Smile like I'm saying sweet nothings. But this chick has been flirting with me for the past 10 minutes she our wedding planer."I feel her whole body moving and I smirk to myself but turn my head to our guests.

"Laura so nice to see you again. Sorry for last night I wasn't feeling very well and I asked Leon to take me home early." I says and leans in my chest. To mark her territory. Someone is jealous.

"Well no worries honey. I hope you're feeling better now. Now the reason that I'm here is to introduce you to Nina your wedding planer. She's really good and she helped Sophia with her wedding too."

"Oh I really loved Sophias wedding. Remember love what I said that I would love to marry you there. But you had other plans." She says and I look at her like 'what are you saying'

"I'm sorry I'm being so rude. I'm Mia Miller" I say and smile at her.

"Nina Philips nice to meet you." she says with a fake smile.

My phone rang and I look at the caller id and Hailey is calling.

"Mr. King the board is ready in the conference room." And I hang up the phone. Without thinking I kiss Mia's cheek well I don't know how I'm going to explain that later but ok. I get up and luckily she gets up at the same time.

"I'm sorry that we have to cut this short but Mia and I have a meeting to attend to. But Ms. Philips my fiancé and I will talk to you soon. Now mum if you excuse us we need to get going." I say and take her with me.

We walk to the conference room and what to expect every single eye is on Mia. But i see that she's not paying attention to them so that's good at least. I take my seat and she sits next to me. I start the meeting but see the head of the marketing smiling at Mia. But unexpected she smiled back. How does she know him?

I start asking him questions that I don't even care but at least he won't be flirting with my girl. The moment I speak to some other guy I see Mia's phone light up. And she looked at it directly and she smiles I wonder what the text says.

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