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" M-marriage ?" Both Yoongi and Jimin looked at each other with wide eyes and thumping heart. There's this uneasy feeling settling down in their stomachs.
Sensing the change in atmosphere, Haru's smile vanishes into a frown. It's not long before his sniffles echoes around the room.

He might be only a few months old but he can easily sense when his parents are feeling distressed.
Yoongi unlatches Haru from the baby carriage and passed him to into Jimin arms.

" Mom, they're my family. Jimin would be the one that I'll marry, no one else." He secure his hold on Jimin's waist and uses the other hand to rub Haru's belly to shush him down. It's a new thing he found out about Haru recently, that the baby loves to receive belly rubs.

" Yoongi, you'll not be contradicting my decisions. I'm your mother." She asserts the dominance in the house with her voice. Her aura has changed from when she entered the house.

" But what about my happiness, mom."

" Can't you see how happy I'm with Jimin and Haru. If someone were to take them away I'd be better off as d-"

" Hyung.." Jimin places his hand on Yoongi's mouth to stop him from completing his sentence. He don't want Yoongi to talk about his death even in a joking manner.

" Jimin ah, I didn't expected something like that from you." Her voice that was before laced with motherly love changed into hate and despise.
Jimin immediately looked down at his feet, feeling like he has really done something wrong.

Yoongi steps forward to object again but his mother beats him to it and shuts him down with her gaze.
" I don't want to hear another word. Your marriage is fixed and I'm not going to cancel it."

There's tears in Jimin's eyes. He's hurting as much as Yoongi.
" You'll have to cancel it mom. I'll not marry someone who isn't Jimin." Yoongi never dared to raise his voice against his mother until today. For the first time, he felt the need to go against her instead of following her orders.

" And that is my final decision."
He interlock their hands, it's his way of telling that his decision is firm and unchangeable.

He swears his mother was never like that. Heck, she was the most caring person in his life. For him she was the only person that understood his feelings. He was always like an open book towards his mother and she always read him without questioning anything in return.

" It's all because of you."
She points her finger towards Jimin, venom dripping from her words.

Jimin takes a step back from where he was standing, afraid that she might do any harm to his baby. He knows, she'll never do something like that but it's just his motherly instinct taking over him.

" He hasn't done anything wrong."
Yoongi stands in front of Jimin, he won't let anyone touch him or Haru. Even if that means standing against his own mother.

" I'm not talking to you." She glares at him, before taking out her phone and dialling a number in it. The phone rings more loudly because of the uncomfortable silence. With each ring Yoongi and Jimin's heartbeat doubled it's rate.

" It's been a while." She greets the other side of the phone.
They both were left confused thinking why she'd call someone in between of an argument.

She continued to converse happily in the phone, not caring about the way the two were sweating out in nervousness.
" Oh about that... Yeah don't worry I'm not going to cancel the wedding."
Her tone suddenly changed to a serious one as she glared at them.

" Yeah, but we have a little problem." This time she eyes Jimin up and down, making the poor boy tremble. He holds Haru close to himself.

" Oh, okay." She nods her head to something they're not able to hear.
" Here." She walks towards Jimin and hold out the phone forward in his direction. Jimin looked down at Yoongi nervously, he don't think he wants to talk to whoever person is on the other side. But nonetheless he grabs it with his shaky hands.

" H-hello ?" He's afraid of what the voice on the other side will be like. What if the person blames him of stealing Yoongi , or worse allege him of baby trapping him.

" Is this the moment I say, you've been pranked."
His eyes go wide with shock when he realised who the person was. How could he not know the voice of his own mother.

He looks back at Mrs. Min only to see her winking in his direction.
Yoongi, on the other side, clearly oblivious of what was happening tries to shake Jimin out of his trance.

" Jimin ? What happened ? Who was that ?"  Jimin looks back at him but he's left tongue tied, so Mrs. Min answer in his spot.

" It was Mrs. Park, his mother."

" Mother ?" Well Yoongi was expecting anything, but this.

" Haha I pranked you both." She steps closer to them, wrapping them both in his arms.
Now, Yoongi was left speechless, just like Jimin.

" Look at my grandson. Aigoo, if he isn't the cutest thing ever."
In an instant she forgot about the other two males standing in front of her, the only thing that caught her attention was her grandson.

" Haru ah, I'm your grandmother. Your dad's mother." She coos at the way the baby smiles at her, it just reminds her of when Yoongi was his age.

" Come, come. Come to your grandma." She takes him from Jimin's arms, the baby doesn't make any fuss on being separated from his papa. Instead he has this big smile on his face, like he could sense what relation he has with her.
Mrs Min feels like she was relieving her motherhood once again because of Haru.

" Aww look at you, you just look like a carbon copy of Yoongi."
He looks so similar to baby Yoongi that anyone can easily tell that he is his son.

" And you're so pretty, just like my Jimin." She pinches his cheeks lightly, afraid that it'll make him cry but the baby just burst into the most melodious laugh.

" My dear grandson."
She hugs him close to her chest feeling herself getting emotional on her first meet with her grandson.

" Are you two gonna stand there all day ?" Her voices shakes them out of their bubbles. They can't believe that just a few minutes ago she wasn't approving of Haru and now she's calling him his grandson. Just what was happening. Is it a dream ? But it's a bit too realistic to be one.

She chuckles on reading the confused look plastered on their faces.
" I guess I own a explanation to you both."
She says before explaining everything.

On the very day of Jimin's baby shower when Taehyung arranged the video call with Mrs. Park and she got to know that Jimin was pregnant with Yoongi's child, she felt so relieved. She didn't supported the idea of Jimin hiring a sperm donor and being a single father.

But after hearing that it was Yoongi's baby she was a bit relieved. She knew how the two boys used to look at each other and just hoped that they still felt the same way.
On knowing about the contractual deal between them from Taehyung she decided to contact Yoongi's mother and ask her to help her in putting together the two love birds. She has seen the way Yoongi amd Jimin looked at each other with so much love in their eyes after all these years.

After getting in contact with Mrs. Min the next thing was to continuously monitor their relationship, so she asked Taehyung's help in it. She even suggested some ideas to Taehyung to make them come together but everything just went into vain until the impossible finally happen.

But since they went through so much to make them come together, they thought it'd only to good to make them suffer too. So, they planned all this beforehand and executed their perfect plan. Well, it was a bit harsh one but atleast they got their laughs and a nice story to pass into generations.

" Mom, you're so mean."
His face expression clearly tells that his mind was completely blown by his mother's acting.
She only let out a little laugh in response.

" Yeah, Mrs. Min it was a bit harsh."
Jimin tries to put back Yoongi's soul that has left from his body.

" Jimin ah, just call me mom. Afterall I know you'll end up being my son in law in a few months anyways." She gives him a knowing smirk.
Jimin blushes at that. Thinking about getting married to Yoongi.... it's like a dream coming true.

" Mom!" Yoongi screams before she could tease them even more.
" What ? I've even started to find a beautiful outfit for your wedding."

The before silent house was now filled with melodious giggles. And in a distance you can hear the wedding bells ringing.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now