The Truth Behind Her Actions

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Author's Note: Have fun with this complete mind flip xD



3 Hours Earlier

Sherlock knew what Moriarty had planned. Sherlock was aware that he was meant to die, and he wasn't going to deny the fact that he was frightened. Death was something he thought would happen when he was old, or when he was so bored that he ended his life himself. Not like this. Though Sherlock had to admit that Jim Moriarty was smart, Sherlock had always considered himself to be more intelligent than him, and now Jim was winning. Sherlock made his way into the morgue at St.Bart's. He needed Molly's help. She would be the only one that Moriarty would not suspect. The only one that he had left out. Sherlock watched as Molly looked up at him with wide eyes.

"S-Sherlock? What are you doing here?" Molly asked, nervously.

Sherlock's eyes narrowed at her and he observed her behaviour. Feet pointed towards the door, indicating that she wanted to leave. Voice shaking and hands twirling together.

"What is it that you don't want me to see?" Sherlock asked.

"What do you mean, Sherlock?" Molly asked, trying to lie to Sherlock, even though she knew it to be pointless.

"You know exactly what I mean, Molly. All of what you are doing right now, indicate that you are lying to me. What are you hiding from me, Molly Hooper?" Sherlock asked.

"Nothing." She responded.

Sherlock sighed and looked around the room. Molly isn't a fool. Whatever she was hiding was not within the room, however it was not far from it. Most likely it was hidden amongst the bodies. Sherlock smiled at the woman, more like a smirk as he walked into the morgue. She tried to protest, but Sherlock didn't listen to her. He began looking through several body bags, analyzing several bodies, but finding nothing of interest. He moved to the last bag in the room and he opened it widely. He jumped back from what he saw, eyes wide, before relaxing and smirking.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Jamie Kent." Sherlock said.

Jamie sat up, rising out of the body bag and stretching her body, individual parts of her spine cracking as she did so. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she did so, and when she opened them, she smiled widely at Sherlock.

"Thank you for the kind welcome, Sherlock." Jamie said, hoping out of the bag and letting her feet land softly on the floor.

Molly rushed into the room quickly and she froze when she saw the two of them. Sherlock watched as she quickly tried to explain herself and she stumbled over her words. Sherlock simply held up his hand to hush her, and she did so instantly.

"How long, Molly?" Sherlock asked.

"I-I..." Molly stuttered, brushing non-existent wrinkles out of her lab coat.

"Oh never mind. I'm assuming you've known for awhile. though your reaction to my ignorance of her death upset you. So after that. I'm assuming you've known for a few days now. Moriarty has been too busy planning my death that he has become lazy when making sure that Jamie didn't go out and reveal herself to the wrong people." Sherlock stated.

"You are correct in your deductions once more, Sherlock. But right now we have more important things to plan for." Jamie said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Such as?" Sherlock asked.

"How to avoid Jim Moriarty's plan to burn the heart out of you." Jamie smiled. "He's already alienated you from the rest of society, making you a suspect in the kidnapping of two children. An enemy in the King's court. He'll give you an ultimatum Sherlock. Either Uncle John, Mrs. Hudson, and Lestrade die, or you do. It is as simple as that. However there is a twist, a way in which we can fake your death. You're smart enough to know how you must jump in order to survive. A way that will lessen the impact of the fall."

"The fall?" Sherlock asked.

"He promised you a fall, Sherlock. He intends to give you one. It will happen here, on the roof on St.Bart's. Molly can help you with this. How to fake your death. I do not wish to know how you will do it. Jim will be able to read it off of me. I know he will. He plans to use me in this plan as well, Sherlock. In a way I cannot say, but you wouldn't even imagine." Jamie whispered.

"What do you propose we do, Molly?" Jamie and Sherlock said, turning to face the woman.

"We're going to need a rubber ball. You place it under your armpit and it will stop your pulse, so that when they check the body for any signs of life, none will show.'s going to hurt. Your bones will be broken and you're going to need extreme medical attention. Lastly, from what Jamie has told me about Jim, you won't be able to return from the dead. Not until you have hunted down all of Moriaty's men. You cannot tell John, Mrs. Hudson, Mycroft, Tessa, or Dynah. None of them can know but us. After the fall, Sherlock. You will be on your own. Both you and Jamie must stay hidden from those you know." Molly said, voice quiet.

"I understand." Sherlock said, but he truly did not. This wasn't what he wanted to leave behind. A false image of himself as a fraud. However, it was what he knew needed to be done.

"I hope your ready for your fall, Sherlock Holmes." Jamie said, laughing sadly.

This was the end of the man everyone once knew as The Great Sherlock Holmes, World's Only Consulting Detective.

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