Faustus and Holden Caulfield

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Author's Note: I do not own Faustus or Holden Caulfield do not belong to me. Faustus is from The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe and Holden Caulfield is from The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Saliner. Both are really good stories! I highly recommend them to you!



Sherlock was not an idiot and he wasn't going to allow anyone to believe that he was. He didn't trust the girls, especially Jamie, seeing as she was the one who would always disappear at the most random of times. When John had gone out and bought the phones for the girls, he had placed tracking devices in all of them in order to find out where they would disappear to throughout the day. Sherlock hailed down a cab and got in, turning on the tracking system. It took a minute but soon enough the device was able to pinpoint Jamie's exact location. Westminster Abbey. He told the cabbie to take him there and judging on traffic and distance, it would take about 19 minutes to get there. As the cab drove along the streets of London, Sherlock noticed something about the tracking device. It began moving around, unable to find Jamie's exact location. She must have hacked into the tracking system and made the signal bounce off of different satellites, making her impossible to track. When the cab pulled up to Westminster Abbey, Sherlock quickly rushed inside with a large crowd, avoiding having to pay to get in, which in his mind would be a complete waste of money if he was only here to find out what Jamie was doing. The abbey was crowded, mostly with tourists, which was clearly evident by their attire and their actions. For example the man wearing the London hat. Obviously his first trip out of his own country, very excited and he had even bought a head set to listen to while he was in the abbey. Sherlock didn't understand how anybody could listen to those things. All they did was feed people information in a monotone voice that they could all figure out so much faster if they actually bothered to read the information plaques around them, or even just to read the graves. Sherlock maneuvered his way through the crowds and looked through the entirety of the abbey, not once seeing Jamie. He tried to analyze the people in the crowd, to see if any of them showed similar characteristics to Jamie, in hopes that he would find her. He knew that she was meeting somebody, so she should still be here. He couldn't see anybody that shared any similar characteristics with her and then his phone began to beep, indicating that the tracker had located Jamie. Sherlock pulled the phone out of his jacket pocket and could have screamed if he didn't think it would cause him a lot of unnecessary attention. The tracking device had pinpointed Jamie's location, at 221B Baker Street. Sherlock rushed out of the abbey and got a cab to take him back to the flat. His frustration was evident in every step that he took and when he walked back into the flat, all he saw was Jamie sitting in his chair, drinking a cup of tea.

"Oh Sherlock, you're back." She grinned.

Sherlock took a minute to compose himself, not wanting to show and emotional reaction that would make it obvious how angry he was. He walked over to his violin and picked it up and began to play it while looking through the window the peered down onto the street. He began to compose music, trying to clear all of his thoughts. Jamie knew that he was tracking her, which also means that she was aware that he knows she'll be lying if she decides to come up with an excuse for John. That also means that she expects him to not tell John. Sherlock chuckled lightly and began to play his violin as Jamie continued to sit there drinking her tea, eventually pulling out a book. Dynah came into the room as well as Tessa. Dynah was playing a game on John's laptop and Tessa had picked up her own violin and joined Sherlock, beginning to follow along to what he was playing. Suddenly, Sherlock's phone lit up. He stopped playing and picked it up. It was Lestrade.

'Another message for you. Hyde Park. Near the Dorchester Hotel.'

"John! We have to go! Moriarty's left another message for us." Sherlock shouted.

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