Wyvern Way

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Author's Note: I do not own The Killing Joke, it is by Alan Moore...he's a genius...a pure genius.



"How is that supposed to help us?" Lestrade asked.

"It's connected to something. There has to be something were missing, something that we've forgotten about. There has to be a clue somewhere else."Sherlock mumbled.

"Sherlock, if it's Jamie leaving the clues, what do you think she meant by it?" Dynah asked.

"If it is her, then it's something that she obviously likes. She's not making them difficult for us because she wants us to find it easily. Something to do with the night."

"She was obsessed with night time. Ever since I knew her. She would always go and look up at the stars at night, continuously saying to take advantage of it because at some points, you couldn't enjoy it." Tessa said.

"Do you think that's the link? Her obsession with the night? It seems rather obvious." John said.

"Even though it may be obvious, it still doesn't give us an answer as to where we need to go for our next clue. Is there anywhere around here that has to do with astronomy?" Dynah asked.

"There is the Sussex Astronomy Centre in Worthing." John said.

"I think that's our best guess, if we're wrong, which we shouldn't be, we are going to be in a lot of trouble." Tessa said.

They hailed a cab to take them to the Sussex Astronomy Centre. It was once more a rather long drive, and Sherlock found himself wishing that Moriarty would be kind enough not to make them travel so far in order to find things. However Moriarty was anything but kind and Sherlock knew this. Obviously. When they arrived at the Astronomy centre they quickly went inside and began looking around for clues. This wasn't something Sherlock had been expecting. If Jamie was in fact planning all of this then Sherlock didn't understand why she was making this so complicated for all of them? There had to have been a reason behind it all. As they continued to search through the museum they finally found something. On one of the information plaques, there was a note stuck to the underside of it. Just a sticky note mind you, nothing elaborate or detailed like the notes Moriarty usually left them. It read.

"The answers you need can be found in the stars.- J.M xx"

"What do you think that means?" Dynah asked.

"It has to do with the constellations. They were used to tell stories and give answers to things that seemed unanswerable." Tessa said.

"But which constellation are we looking for? There are a lot of constellations in the sky. Which one are they talking about?" John asked.

"The constellation Draco." Sherlock said.

"And how can you be sure of that?" Tessa asked.

"The message that was left for us in 221C was Carpe Noctem, which is Latin for Seize the Night. Draco is Latin for Dragon." Sherlock said simply.

"Jamie did have an unusual obsession with dragons and mythical creatures. But I think everyone does at some point." Dynah said.

"But where does this lead us to anyways?" John asked.

"Draco Street, John. That should have been obvious."Sherlock said, rolling his eyes.

They got another taxi to take them back to Draco Street. It was another hour and forty two minutes before they were back in London. When they arrived on Draco Street, they saw that Scotland Yard was already there. Lestrade went up to them quickly.

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