Carpe Noctem

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Author's Note: I do not own A Christmas Carol or A Tale of Two Cities. They belong to Charles Dickens. I also do not own A Batman Noel. That belongs to DC Comics!



"Sherlock I refuse to calm down!"John yelled.

Sherlock was rubbing his fingers against his temples in frustration, as he tried to explain to John, why they couldn't go out and just rescue Jamie. He didn't seem to comprehend that if they did that, not only would she be killed, but they would as well. Even Tessa and Dynah were acting better than him and they were her best friends.

"John, Sherlock's right. We can't go out looking for Jamie. She's safe if we continue with the game." Dynah said.

"Safe? She's off somewhere with a murderous psychopath and you all think that she's safe?" John yelled.

"John I know this is hard for you to deal with right no-" Sherlock started.

'No you don't, Sherlock. That girl is like family to me! You just don't stand by and let something horrible happen to your family, especially when you can prevent it. But I guess you wouldn't know because you don't care about anybody!" John yelled.

"John, I understand the relationship that you and Jamie have, and I understand why you feel the need to go after Moriarty and save her, but you have to see things from our perspective. Moriarty's game has rules to it John, and the new rule involves Jamie. He took her to make the game equal for himself. We can't go after her. She'll die, John."

"You're telling me that she won't die if she stays there? Because you don't know that, Sherlock. You can't possibly know what that psychopath will do."

"John, you need to calm down and here what we're trying to tell you." Tessa said.

"How can you two be so calm about this? She's your best friend and now she's been kidnapped by a man who promised to kill 80 people for the sake of a game. How do we even know that she's not one of the 80 people?" John asked.

"He isn't going to kill her! We know that by now. If he was going to kill us he would have done so already. The only person he aims to kill is Sherlock." Tessa said.

"A comforting thought." Sherlock said, sarcasm evident in his tone.

"He's unpredictable, girls. You should know that by now." John said.

"It doesn't matter how unpredictable he is John. Everything he does has to have a purpose, and if he wants his game to continue being fun, then he has to keep her alive. She is perfectly safe, unless one of us breaks the rules. So let's avoid that at all costs."

"So you expect me to just sit here and not worry about the fact that Jamie is in the hands of some psychopath?" John asked.

"That's what I'm asking you to do."

"You had better be right, Sherlock. What are we supposed to tell Lestrade?" John asked.

"We have to try and avoid telling him anything, unless we want him to get all of Scotland Yard looking for her, in which case, she's dead." Sherlock said.

"We have to tell him something. He's not going to believe that she just disappeared." John said.

"No,but we could deceive him into believing that she is in another country." Dynah said.

"Why would he think that she is in another country?" John asked.

"Well remember that the first 2 clues that Moriarty left were somehow related to Scotland? we could convince Lestrade that Jamie went there in order to see if there was any relevance to it. Simple enough to lie to him. Not like he could do anything about it anyway, because it's way our of his division." Tessa said smiling.

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