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Author's Note: This story has met it's end.

It had been three years after the fall. Three years hunting, tracking, and finally capturing all of Moriarty's remaining men. He received no help from Jamie. She had other business to attend to. Mostly running Moriarty's organization. Sherlock was aware of this and he knew that she would never do anything to cause total harm. Apparently, Jim had left her in charge of his organization after his death. That was his mistake. Jamie had been purposely leading Moriarty's criminals into the grasp of one Sherlock Holmes. She hadn't done this originally, deeming that it would be unfair to just give these men to Sherlock, but when she changed her mind, Sherlock instantly knew the reason why. She wanted to go back to her home at 221B Baker Street just as much as Sherlock did. So, when every single web of the Moriarty's organization had been severed, Sherlock and Jamie found each other, greeting one another as old friends would, with a silent nod of the head, before they both made their way inside.

The flat had never changed since they had both abandoned it so long ago. It was almost as if the place had been stuck in time. Jamie was the first to move, making her way up the stairs slowly, the creak on the third step sounding exactly how they both remembered it. Sherlock noticed how different Jamie looked, but what had he expected after three years? She was 19 years old now, she definitely would have changed. She no longer looked liked the teenager Sherlock had seen three years ago. Now she looked like a young woman. Her hair was longer and she no longer wore it in the pigtails that Sherlock had become accustomed to. Instead now, she wore it down and it was styled into tight curls, and her bangs were pushed out of her face, resting just above her eyes. Even her style of dress changed. Much more sophisticated. Almost as if she had taken on the female version of the style of Jim Moriarty. High heels, black dress that fit her figure.

"I understand that I've grown up Sherlock. No need to psychoanalyze my appearance." Jamie laughed as she ascended the stairs.

"Your style mirrors Jim Moriarty's." Sherlock stated.

"I'm mourning." she responded.

"Mourning Moriarty?"

"He was a worthy adversary, Sherlock. You know that."

"I don't mourn him though."

"Don't lie to yourself, Sherlock. What would you call all those compositions you have written?" Jamie smirked, walking up the final steps before she was standing outside the door to their old flat.

Sherlock took the last remaining steps up the stairs as well and now the only barrier remaining between himself and his old life was a door. A simple door, yet Sherlock found himself pausing. He wasn't sure why. He knew that he wanted to go home, wanted to return to his old life and yet here he was, pausing. Jamie noticed this, but even she wouldn't make thee final action to open the door. They both turned to look at each other and their eyes locked for a moment. Jamie leaned forward and opened the door. Sherlock turned his head to look into the flat. John was sitting in his chair, looking worn out and tired. Sherlock watched as John stood up, grabbing his cane and limping as he turned to face the door. Sherlock's eyes widened when they landed upon the cane. So John's limp had returned. It was as Sherlock had suspected, but he had hoped that he was wrong. His eyes travelled back up to John's eyes, which were blown wide in shock.

"Hello, John." Sherlock said, simply.

"Hello, Uncle John." Jamie greeted, a sad smile on her face.

"No. NO! I'm hallucinating! Dear God this isn't happening!" John shouted, bringing his hands to the side of his head and turning away from them.

"Uncle John...Please just list-" Jamie started.

"No! This is impossible! You both died! I watched the both of you die!" he shouted.

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