Round and Round the Radical Road the Radical Rascal Ran.

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Author's Note: I actually had to look up so much stuff to make sure I got all of the names of the stations on the Underground right...

"Wonderland? What are you talking about, in Wonderland?" John asked.

"You know Wonderland? From Lewis Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland'?" Dynah said.

"I know where Wonderland is from, but it isn't necessarily possible to go into a book." John said.

"She was using as a metaphor, John. Everyone in Lewis Carrol's Wonderland was mad, except for Alice, but even that is questionable. She means that we have to start off by entering the mindset of a madman, in order to understand what Moriarty is going to do next." Sherlock said quickly. "I'm surprised you didn't understand that analogy, John. It wasn't that hard to comprehend."

"It isn't necessarily easy to tell when any of you are being literal or metaphorical." John defended.

"Moriarty isn't a normal psychopath, if there even is such a thing as a normal psychopath. When he designs these games, it's so that he wins, and we lose in the most drastic and devastating way possible. It's rather strange, the way he approaches situations. Almost like he wants us to believe that we can win, and that it is an equal chance for both sides, when really it is not because he knows everything that is going to happen and how it's going to play out. He's going to be one step ahead of us throughout this entire game, unless we can get into his head." Tessa said.

"He wanted us to play though. We have no connection to him. We barely have one to Sherlock, and no offense, Uncle John, but he isn't extremely interested in you, otherwise he would have made sure to come over here when you were here as well. There's a reason why he wanted us to be involved, and it has nothing to do with the last murder." Jamie thought out loud.

"We're somehow going to end up being intertwined in this somehow. Part of the end of it. The key that's going to allow him to win." Dynah concluded.

"Then don't be a part of this!"John yelled.

"Not that simple. If we leave the game, then he ends it by killing us. It's not really much of a choice. We just have to find a way to outsmart him by the end." Tessa said.

"You're able to say all of this about a man you've just met." John said.

"Not that hard, really. He wasn't exactly subtle in his attempts at hiding what a true psychopath he really is. Didn't take quite long to figure him out and we have also had your blog to study over for a little bit and time to look over Molly's blog as well." Dynah said quickly.

"Molly has a blog?" John and Sherlock asked.

"Yes, you'd know if you would pay some kind of attention to her or acknowledge the fact that she's alive." Jamie said,coldly.

"How do you even know who Molly is? You've never even met her." John said.

"I've met her before."Jamie said.

"When did you meet Molly?' John asked, not really comprehending everything that was going on.

"I don't sleep very well and it's stupid to just sit around the flat waiting to fall asleep.So I leave and I went to St.Bart's one night. Not intentionally.I just ended up there and apparently Molly had been working late and she came out of the hospital just as I was walking past. Clearly coincidental.However I did talk to her.Learned a few things about Jim and herself, mentioned a blog, so I looked it up and found it rather easily."

"You can't go around wondering the streets by yourself at night.What if somebody like Moriarty were to go after you?"John said.

Sherlock looked over to Jamie and she smirked at him, before returning her focus back to John, as he continued to rant to the 3 girls. Sherlock decided to tune him out at that point, knowing that it would be counterproductive to listen to John yell words that the girls were just going to ignore anyways. Sherlock let his thoughts wander over Moriarty and what he had said. Anything could have been a clue. It could have been the strangest thing he had said in the conversation, or the most normal thing. There wasn't ever really a normal thing that came out of Moriarty's mouth so that was out of the question. Any of it, even all of it could have been a clue. But the one thing that Moriarty said that kept replaying itself over in Sherlock's mind was Moriarty's comparison between himself, Sherlock and John, towards Jamie, Tessa and Dynah. Sherlock really could not see the resemblance between Tessa and himself, but he didn't take the time to pay her any mind anyway. Now he could see the likeness between Dynah and John very easily, in fact he had noticed it as soon as he met her. Not as exceptionally brilliant as her friends, but not dimwitted like the rest of society and able to stand up for herself and fight her own battles. Jamie wasn't normal, even for someone like herself. Tessa and her were very similar, however Jamie did seem 'darker' in a sense. More morbid and Sherlock began to wonder is he should be concerned. The girl did lead a psychopath back to the flat, even if she claimed it to be for good reason. Sherlock found himself studying Jamie and Tessa over. It was obvious that Tessa had lost interest in what John was saying and was now thinking over other things. By the way her eyes were flicking back and forth, it was easy to deduce that she was coming up with plans in her head, trying to get one step ahead of everything in a way that would mostly be in her benefit, but now harm those she cared about. He could tell that she was seeing things around her, like her thoughts were visible, and she was trying to organize them and determine whether or not they were useful or going to be helpful to her. Sherlock then looked over to Jamie. She had, as well as Tessa, blocked out all that John was saying and was coming up with plans of her own. However, instead of having a blank expression like Tessa, hers seemed a little bit more, devious. Her lips were culred up into a smirk and her eyes were slightly narrowed, causing her eyebrows to crease together slightly. She wasn't thinking of a way to end the game, Sherlock could see that right away. She was planning something that was going to make it last longer and somehow change the end of it, because somehow she already knew how Moriarty was going to play.

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