2- Why'd it have to be him?

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You rolled out of bed at noon and groaned. The phone was ringing in the kitchen and you really couldn't be bothered to deal with whoever it was on the line. It would probably be someone wanting money, or a favour, or both. You rubbed your eyes and stumbled over to the phone. Whoever it was would not leave you alone, ringing and ringing until you finally picked up the receiver,

"Hello?" You yawned halfway through your greeting and stifled it with your hand. There was a gasp on the other end,

"Y/N? Is that you?" The voice was instantly recognised, and you froze, 

"Buccellati? What do you want?"

"God, Y/N, it's been years." Buccellati sighed audibly, "Listen, I heard you do secretary work."

"What about it?" You yawned again, you frowned, even though he couldn't see you.

"I don't know if you heard, but I recently got promoted to Capo." There was a pause, "How do I say this? I was wondering if you could do some of my paperwork?"

You laughed. "Really, Buccellati? You're asking me?" 

'I don't like this any more than you do, Y/N. But please, you're the only option I have left." You could hear him anxiously tapping on the desk. You sighed. You didn't want to work with Buccellati, but its been a while since you've had proper work outside of small menial jobs. Buccellati would pay good, he would also treat you well, you knew that. 

You'd worked with a lot of scumbags in your time. People who didn't care about you, didn't bother to do anymore but pay you the bare minimum. It would be enough to pay your protection money, your rent and maybe enough for food if you rationed it. Bruno wouldn't be like that, if anyone in Passione was known for being a 'nice guy', it was Bruno Buccellati. 

"Where are you Bruno? Still in Napoli?"

"Yes, why? Are you considering it?"

"I'm in Rome, it would be a struggle to travel to and from every day."

"There's a spare room at my place, you're welcome to stay with me for as long as you're in my employment." Bruno looked out of the window behind his desk, the sea was just about visible and the birds were flying past the clouds. He almost smiled to himself when he spoke, "What do you say?" 

"Huh, I thought when I heard your voice it would be a straight 'no', but you know what? What the hell, I'll give it a shot." 

Bruno chuckled, "I'll email you my address, get here whenever you like."

The call ended and you sighed. Looking around your apartment, you saw the filth and mess that years of laziness had caused. You didn't have time to clean, you were too busy trying to scrape by. At one point, you even had to start a 9 to 5 job in order to pay your bills, but that didn't last long. Hours behind a counter ended with a nasty scrap with a costumer who said the wrong thing when you were just a little too frustrated. But staying with Bruno? Being his secretary? It sounded like your worst nightmare, even if he would be laced with wealth and would take place in a lovely mansion near the beach. You rummaged through your clothes, trying to find something relatively clean to wear, plus more to shove into your bag. You didn't have much to your name, so it was easy enough to pack. As the minutes ticked by, you soon got ready for your journey to Napoli, for your new life with Bruno Buccellati. 

The train journey wasn't enough time to wrap your head around everything that was happening.  For all these years, you harboured your hatred for Bruno Buccellati, for what he put your team through. You didn't even know that they were betraying the boss, not until they were already dead and rumours spread that it was Bruno who had sent them to their graves. he hadn't killed them directly, but he knew as well as anyone what happened if you went against the boss, and he still told him. You stared out of the window and wondered if you could ever forgive him. Without your team, your life spiralled into nothing. People didn't like you, you hopped from person to person in order to make money, but eventually it always ended the same. They would kick you to the curb and you would go crawling to the next person who would toss you some cash. This was all Bruno's fault, the least he could do was take you in and give you some proper work.

You were determined not to screw this up, because Bruno Buccellati was the best chance you had at real success. You should've taken his hand that time in the alley, maybe you'd be happy then, with a real team, living the good life like you always dreamed you would. Life was giving you another chance, and you weren't going to throw this one away. 

Bruno waited for you at the end of his driveway. The mansion was much grander then you expected, with trimmed neat hedges surrounding the premises and a gravel drive leading up to the crisp white stone. The building itself was far too large for one person, though you suppose he had frequent guests. A porch covered the opened front door and large windows made the place feel welcoming. Balconies on the top floor overlooked you and Bruno, who was smiling at you with an almost sickening friendliness. This place... it was gorgeous. 

You tore your eyes away from your new home and looked to Bruno. He looked the same, sleek blue bob, sparkling eyes and a white suit with black lace underneath. When you looked at him, you were suddenly back in the alley, freshly mourning your dead teammates, drenched from the rain you didn't care to block out. And, Bruno, he was offering you his hand. He had the same smile then, warm, inviting- forgiving. Before you knew it you wrapped your arms around him, desperately trying not to cry into his shoulder.  


You let go and collected yourself, "Thanks, I guess," You mumbled, walking past him without another word. You had dropped your bag by his feet, leaving him to carry it for you. It wasn't like you'd gone soft for him, but this new environment- it was really something. It would certainly take some getting used to. 

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