4- Get to work

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For the first few days, you didn't even acknowledge Bruno's presence. You had the weekends to yourself, and when you weren't sleeping in until noon, you were wandering the streets of Napoli- alone. The city was on a slope, and you often found yourself travelling uphill instead of down towards the sea. Your pockets were often empty, but you didn't mind. The air was fresh and fragrant, and you didn't feel like you were suffocating in Buccellati's aura. You needed to clear your head, try and forget where you were, and that tomorrow you would be spending the entire day with him, by his side until he decided you could stop. 

Just thinking about it made you feel sick in the very bottom of your stomach. You hadn't said a word to Buccellati, not even a civil good-morning or goodnight. You barely saw him, he was either in his office or his bedroom, and it wasn't like you wanted to go out of your way to make conversation. You didn't even eat together. Each morning and evening he would be in the kitchen cooking himself a meal, but you were never offered anything. You didn't argue, only helped yourself to any leftovers or whatever was in the cupboards. Over the years, you'd learned to cook a few basic meals, but really you couldn't be bothered to spend ages over the stove like Buccellati did. The one meal he didn't cook was lunch, when he would leave the house for an hour or so to eat. Probably at Libeccio's, where you had heard his team often ate together. 

You had heard of Buccellati's team, but had never met them personally. Apparently, they were a bunch of half-wits who followed Buccellati's every move and obeyed his every command without question. Of course, with Giorno as your new boss, you needed to respect him, but the others (from what you had heard) were incompetent to say the least. You wondered why Buccellati even kept them, as Capo he should have a much wider choice of team members now, everyone wanted the chance to work for a Capo, so why stay with them? It was almost like he actually cared for them, wanted them to be around. You stopped walking to lean against a wall and look out at the water. From up here you could see it clearly. 

He cared about them. Would he ever care about you in that way? If you let him?

As the sun fell on the Sunday, you made your way back to the mansion. It wasn't in the heart of Napoli, but rather on the outskirts, and by the time you arrived it was already dark. Bruno stood at the front door, arms crossed and a scowl on his lips,

"Where have you been? I was beginning to worry."

"Worried about me? I doubt that."

Bruno stopped you from entering, blocking the door with his body, "Napoli's a big city, I thought you might've gotten lost."

"I'm not a kid, Buccellati. Now out of my way."

"You act a lot like a child for someone who claims not to be one, " Bruno shifted over ever so slightly, just enough to let you past, "Now get some sleep, I want you ready for work by nine."

You sighed and treaded up the steps to your room. You stripped down to your underwear and climbed into bed, not bothering to put on any pyjamas. It was getting late, even if had only just turned dark. The long summer days had already left you exhausted from the heat and the sheer amount of daylight. You were used to a constantly dark apartment, the sun hurt your eyes and you liked the dark. It was a shame Buccellati was making you sleep through it. 


You awoke to the smell of Buccellati's cooking. Climbing out of bed rather reluctantly, you dressed and wandered downstairs to where Buccellati was preparing a pile of toast. A spread of different jams in a variety of flavours. You looked up from the food to him. He was already completely ready for the day, hair straight, clothes perfect, eyes sparkling and not dull with tiredness. He was currently making a pot of coffee, as well as pouring two glasses of orange juice. Wait, two-

"Sit down," He gestured vaguely to the breakfast counter, "It'll only be a minute."

You didn't object, only raised your eyebrows in surprise. Sitting down at the counter, you helped yourself to a piece of toast, covering it in jam. Buccellati placed your juice as well as a mug of coffee before you. You mumbled a thank you, before biting down into your breakfast. Buccellati laughed, 

"It was the least I could do," He joined you, preparing his own slice of toast. You didn't look at him, was this some sort of joke? The entire weekend, he had ignored you, but now he was making you breakfast? You ate it, trying to sense the taste of poison. Buccellati was up to something, when you finally met his gaze he smiled at you, which only confirmed your suspicions. You had only been with him two days, was he already trying to get rid of you? You ate it anyway, for a potentially poisoned meal, it tasted good. You had smelt Buccellati's cooking when you passed by the kitchen, and whatever leftovers you managed to scavenge always tasted great- even if they were cold. 

After eating, you followed Buccellati to his office. The desk in front of the window was covered in paper, and you could see that the filing cabinet was also stuffed full of unorganised documents. You looked to Buccellati,

"You want me to sort all this out?" 

He nodded, "Yes, I know it's a lot, but-"

"Alright, but my pay better be good." You walked over to the desk and began working. Buccellati sat down and began as well. You picked up on a few of his phone calls, but other than that you couldn't really keep up with him. He was always writing something down or talking to someone, often about several different things at once. It wasn't easy, the Capo job. You focused on your task, taking the mess of papers and making them something more manageable. 

You worked in silence for the most part. There was only one desk chair so you mostly knelt or sat on the floor, surrounded by all of Buccellati's papers. Aside from Buccellati talking over the phone, the only sound was one of scribbling or the shuffling of papers. Buccellati kept the window closed, but the sun was bright that day and it wasn't unbearably hot. Like this, you could almost pretend he wasn't there. This was just work, and for once you weren't getting ordered around every five minutes. It was almost nice, this silence, Buccellati was much more bearable when he kept his mouth shut.

He did watch you though, every now and then he would stop what he was doing to lean back in his chair and watch you. His eyes followed your hand movements, the way you reached for things almost robotically, like you had done it a thousand times before. And then he watched you eyes, the way they scanned pages, moving at all times, never faltering. When your face wasn't scrunched up in anger, you looked much better, he thought. The lines your furrowed brows made were unflattering, as was your frown. He stopped himself, he had to or would he would get too absorbed in studying you. You peaked his interest, though, no matter how much he despised you. When you weren't talking, accusing him of things and yelling, he liked you much more. 

Mid-day came and Bruno stood up, stretching and looking down at you. 

"Y/N, I'm going for lunch with my team, I'd like you to come with me."


"I've already told them about you, and I'd like you to meet them. They often come to visit, I want you to be used to being around them."

"Oh, ok then." You stood up. Great, lunch with Buccellati's lackeys. You didn't object though, a meal was a meal and you could do with taking a break. 

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